Same language in both entities: "We want to go home"

Sarajevo Jul 8, 1997

Alternative Ministers Council B&H (AMV)

Sarajevo, 08 July,. 1997 (AIM) - "Politics dominates over possibility and wiliness of the people who want to return to their homes. When actual governments talk about the return, they always emphasize only their on nation, giving minimal or none concessions to the other nations. AMV or 'Government in Shadow' gathers the persons from both entities who want to work together, and not in opposition to the government, but in cooperation with it", stated Mrs. Senka Nozica, Minister for Human Rights B&H Government in Shadow, at today's press conference.

AMV gives a full support to the 'Coalition for return', mentioning four suggestion which will help people to return: a) strengthening of System institutions and up grading them to the level where they can solve the problems, but, also, it coordinate B&H Law regulative with Dayton Agreement and 'Washington Constitution B&H and Federation'; b) realization of the project 'Open cities' as approach to the 'open state'; c) return of the people to the inhabitant zones (exp. surroundings of Travnik, Doboj, Maglaj, etc.); d) solution of the problem of private property as the fundament of all civilized states.

"First of all, the War criminals should be brought to the Hague Tribunal, and that is the first condition for the return of refugees and displaced persons", added Mrs. Nozica.

As for Banjaluka events, AMV has daily informations, and support system institutions, which means that RS Assembly does not exist any more. The fight against crime in RS should be used for fight against crime in B&H Federation. "The crime is like a ghost from the bottle - once he is out, there is no way to put him back inside. Therefore, he must be sized on time, otherwise, he can become stronger than the state". That is the reason why Mr. Sejfudin Tokic, President AMV, asked Federal and Cantonal Ministry of Interior, for urgent investigation about interentities criminal activities", said Mrs. Nozica.(End)