Scholarship for B&H students

Sarajevo Jul 8, 1997

US Government

Sarajevo,08 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Michael Parmly, Deputy Chief of the Mission USA Embassy B&H, organized a party for 21 B&H citizens who will continue their study in USA, on USA Government scholarship. In the presence of Mr. Fahrudin Rizvanbegovic, Minister of Education B&H and Mr. Stevan Stevic, Minister of Education RS, Mr. Parmly explained that 9 candidates are post graduated, and 12 students are to finish studies in USA. All B&H candidates have been chosen by Expert Commission in which experts from both entities were included. In accordance to the agreement between USA Government and B&H Federation/RS Ministries of Education, all candidates are to be beck in B&H Federation/RS after they finish their studies.(End)