Appeal to Gen. Colic and Mr. Krajisnik

Sarajevo Jul 8, 1997

Opposition 'Coordination Board'

Banjaluka, 8 July, 1997 - 'Coordination Board' of the opposition parties RS appealed today to Gen. Colic, expressing it's deep concern for announced unconstitutional behavior of the RS Army:

"We warn you that Army, which is defending the party instead of the state, is party Army , not country Army. We inform you that all of as are the members of recruiting center RS Army, and that we are ready to put the interest of state in front of our own interests, which is exactly what we are doing now. We are convinced that you will understand us, and that RS Army will act in accordance to the RS Constitution, instead of acting as a arbiter of SDS".

The other letter, addressed to Mr. Krajisnik, Member of B&H Presidency, is asking him "to do everything what he can, to realize the RS President decision".(End)