Two streams in SDS

Sarajevo Jul 8, 1997


Bijeljina, 8 July, 1997 (AIM) - Municipal Board SDS Bijeljina, at yesterday's session in Bjeljina, did not support the decisions of the Main Board SDS, regarding recent situation in RS. Majority of present participants expressed doubts on Pale campaign, supporting Mrs. Plavsic in her open fight against crime in RS institutions.

At the session present were Mr. Boro Cosic, CoPresident Ministers Council B&H and Mr. Dojo Arsenovic, Minister of Agriculture RS and one of Vice Presidents SDS, but, even so, "Pale option" couldn't provide majority support for the Main Board SDS decisions.

Compromising solution was that Central "dispatch is concerned", but even that version was barely accepted. Yesterday session proved the existence of two streams in SDS Bijeljina, and future events will show how deep is that schism.(End)