Support and warning

Sarajevo Jul 8, 1997

International Organizations

Banja Luka, 8 July, 1997 (AIM) - International Organizations Officials, which are in charge of implementation of Dayton Agreement (OHR, SFOR, OSCE, IPTF and UNHCR) sent a letter yesterday to Mrs. Plavsic, President RS, in which they stated that they have inspected recent situation in RS and find out that her decision on dismission of People Assembly RS is in accordance to the RS Constitution.

"According to Your decision, the Assembly has been dismissed, and, therefore can not be in session or produce any valid decisions. In that context, we consider as most important, that RS Organs act in accordance to the RS Constitution, B&H Constitution and Peace agreement".

The letter points out that SFOR will not tolerate any military activities in any of entities, which are not in accordance with Annex 1A. Also, the obligations from Annex 11 should be respected too, specially in the part which order the reconstruction of Police, elimination of check points, cooperation with IPTF in Brcko, obligation of medias to fully respect freedom of expession and promotion of independent medias.

"In this context, be remainded of Sintra declaration No.: 70, by which High Representative has a right to limit or suspend any media network or emmision, which constantly and obviously is opposing Peace agreement", stays in the letter.(end)