"For politics use only"

Sarajevo Jul 8, 1997

Reaction to the RS Army letter

Banjaluka, 08 July, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the letter from Gen. Colic, Chief RS Army Headquarters, Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President RS, stated yesterday at press conference, that it is for politics use only, and Army Headquarters, an apolitical institution, has been pulled into politics waters. The letter came only a day after the meeting, where Mrs. Plavsic, as a Supreme Commander informed Members of Headquarters and Corps Commanders that this is a political conflict, where army should be excluded.

"I told them to continue with their activities in accordance to the RS Constitution and RS Law. That institution suffered a lot stresses, necessary and unnecessary, in November 1996, and there is no need to repeat it", stated Mrs. Plavsic, adding that Gen. Colic shouldn't be present at Assembly session, which is illegal after her decision dated 03 July , 1997. I do not believe that all, but some of them have been ordered to take a side. Headquarters is concerned of political and security situation, and warns of possible Muslim attack approved by International Community. That reminds me of old cliché, used by previous regime, when the focus is fixed to 'something rotten in State of Denmark' and than you start to search for enemies inside and outside", said Mrs. Plavsic, adding that such Headquarters worry for RS security is unsubstantiated to the way it is presented. She mentioned, in the same context, yesterday's article in 'Glas Srpski' where, parallel to the information about endanger for RS, is published statement by Mr. Kijac, where he informs that security situation in RS is satisfactory.

AS for activities of state TV, she informed that TV Studio Banjaluka is opened, but the program is emitted from Pale: "There are Comintern censors, who emit through the filter what is convenient for them. It is against the RS Constitution, because I have no right to present myself at SRT. And, also, 'Glas Srpski' closed it's door to me".

She emphasized that she signed no documents which might inform about the number of RS Policemen, nor about the transfer of authority from RS Police to the IPTF in Brcko. According to her statement, the only possible place for meeting with Mr. Krajisnik, is Banjaluka. "At this territory a group has been infiltrated, with task to finish one job started earlier in Belgrade. Three persons from that group have been already arrested, but they do not give up. Those persons and their commanders are devoted to Mr. Krajisnik, and, therefore, there is no danger for him".

Asked if she consider the denial of her decisions as a 'Coup d' Etat', Mrs. Plavsic's answer was very short: "Yes".(End)