New elections for both entities

Sarajevo Jul 6, 1997

Union B&H Social-Democrats (UBSD)

Sarajevo, 05 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Sejfudin Tokic, President Executive Board UBSD, stated, regarding the published criminal activities in RS:

"It is inadmissible that 'Sarajevo' Canton Police and B&H Federal Police are escaping from publishing the informations regarding the criminal activities in RS. This , certainly shows, that some leading persons from Canton and Federation, have been involved in dirty business.

Instead of efficient action against the criminals, Cantonal Police is giving a report on investigations of small crooks and thiefs. It is obvious, that we are facing a strong relationship between Mafia and certain bearers of high political functions, what is directly in opposition with establishment of legal state. The only escape from recent situation is organization of new elections in both entities".(End)