Not a single package of cigarettes was smuggled in Mostar

Sarajevo Jul 6, 1997

**Mr. Safet Orucevic about smuggling in Mostar

Sarajevo, 05 July, 1997 (AIM) - Seeking for an answer about mentioning of Mr. Safet Orucevic, Mayor of Mostar, in Mrs. Plavsic statement on criminal activities in RS, from the Mayor's Cabinet, we have been informed that "they doubt in authenticity of the part of material from RS, which mentioned the name of the Mostar Mayor". Mr. Azer Jugo, Spokesman Mayor of Mostar added that they are "checking that material, because it was sent only to the certain addresses, not to all medias. It might be the result of the meeting of hard part HDZ and SDS, where they try to make a pressure to the Mostar Mayor".

Mr. Orucevic, the Mayor, has similar explanation: "That is just another lie, which reminds of almost four years long tradition of insinuations of the two para-state formations, who coordinate such actions together, when ever some integration should be realized ( first Sarajevo, and now Brcko and Mostar)". He is asking International Community to check all what he said, because they have been present at all his contacts with RS representatives.
"Not a single package of cigarettes or one kilogram of salt was smuggled in Mostar - that is everyday's routine in Stolac".(End)