International Organizations were present at all my meetings

Sarajevo Jul 6, 1997

Mrs. Fatima Leho, Governor 'Herzeg Neretva' Canton

Sarajevo, 05 July, 1997 (AIM) - At yesterday's illegal session of RS Assembly, as persons with whom RS firms traded in 'Herzeg Neretva' Canton, were mentioned: Mr. Safet Orucevic, Mayor of Mostar and Mrs. Fatima Leho, Governor 'Herzeg Neretva' Canton.

"Simple lie. That is my first sentence. My second sentence: those who are against B&H will call my name in future as well as now. And, the third one: I have never been at any meeting with RS representatives on my own. Every time when we met, present were, either representatives from SFOR (Spain battalion in Mostar), or from UNHCR".

Asked by AIM, if she has any information's about criminal activities on the territory of this Canton she stated: "Well, trade of livestock and vehicles in Stolac... But, taking into consideration that in the Canton the police still is not established, no one can control all this. The road to Nevesinje is used and controlled by SFOR and IPTF, and I am sure that, there we have no trade".(End)