Mr. Krajisnik and Mr. Kijac are playing dangerous game

Sarajevo Jul 6, 1997

Mr. Robert Gelbard

Banjaluka, 05 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Robert Gelbard, Special Envoy USA for Balkan, stated after the meeting with Mrs. Plavsic, President RS, that USA Government and it's allays, will take strong measures against all those who deny to implement Dayton Agreement.

He warned Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member B&H Presidency and Mr. Dragan Kijac, suspended Minister of Interior, that disrespect of Annex 11 Dayton Agreement and threats to the International Community, will cause very serious consequences. "Violence and threats will not be tolerated, or they will regret the steps they took. Also, Mrs. Plavsic must have a access to the medias", said he pointing out that " ...violation of Dayton Agreement by Mr. Krajisnik and Mr. Kijac must be stopped immediately. I explained to Mr. Krajisnik, that they are playing a dangerous game".

Mr. Gelbard stated that Law experts of SFOR and High Representative, consider the decision of the RS President as constitutional and there is the end of everything.(End)