Denied decision of dismission

Sarajevo Jul 6, 1997

RS People Assembly session

Pale, 05 July, 1997 (AIM) - MP from SDS and SRS (48 representatives) decided to have a session of RS Assembly on Jahorina, against the decision of Mrs. Plavsic, President RS. They decided, also, to make it as "permanent session" until they find the solution for Constitution creases". In accordance to this decision, the RS Government is in the same position.

At the agenda is one subject: discussion on RS President decision and remission of the RS President .

Constitutional Court RS stated that RS Government has the right to challenge the authority of the RS President decision to suspend Minister of Interior

At the beginning, Mr. Kalinic informed that Mrs. Plavsic was invited to attend the session. Present were: Mr. Krajisnik, Mr. Boro Bosic, CoPresident B&H Ministers Council, Gen. Pero Colic, Chief RS Army Headquarters and all members of the RS Government. Mr. Kalinic informed that Mrs. Plavsic "with her decision on dismissal of the Assembly has violated the Constitution RS and legality, and so, brought RS into the Constitutional creases, which might be B&H creases too - the Parliament Assembly B&H would have no RS representatives". He denied that he asked Mrs. Plavsic to contact Mr. Karadzic, because "we fully support Sintra Declaration regarding relation with him".

First to talk, after Mr. Kalinic opening, was Mr. Gutic, MP from Democrat Patriot Block RS, who stated that all RS institutions are under the SDS and SDS has no right "to hide it's dirty cloth behind democrat curtain. You yourself cook it up, you yourself solve it, but before all that, go to the Church and pry to God", said he and left the session. (He was 49th MP).(End)