Talk about criminal, not about the President

Sarajevo Jul 4, 1997

Democrat Patriot Party RS (DPS RS) appeals to the RS Parliament Members

Banjaluka, 03 July, 1997 (AIM) -"DPS RS appeals at the mind, the conscience and at the dignity of the People's Representatives, to make the subject of coming People Assembly 'the fight against criminality'", appealed Mr. Predrag Radic, President DPS RS, at today's press conference, adding that it would be more honest for all MP to resign, if they let the highest RS legal body to be turned into a panel discussion for accusation of RS President institution. The honest MP shouldn't be used as a decor for adoptation of earlier created decisions.

"The MP should leave the Parliament, if , 'because of state interests', they try to cut of TV cameras from the session, because the people which elected them, is really interested whom to belive", said Mr. Radic.(End)