Student's call for the meeting

Sarajevo Jul 4, 1997


Banjaluka, 03 July, 1997 (AIM) - "Students of the Law Faculty call all college students from Banjaluka University, the Professors and all other citizens to meet tomorrow, on the 04 July, 1997 in front of the Banski Dvor, at 13:00 hours, to express their support to Mrs. Plavsic, President RS and her efforts for respect of the constitution and legality", stays in the public announcement of the Union of the Law Faculty Students.

"As the students of the Law, we are thankful to the President, because we know that only the legal state can obtain the conditions for development of the civil rights and democracy. It is obvious, that the position of RS in implementation of Dayton Agreement is seriously endangered by certain actions which are in opposition to the International Community and EU. The reactions are fatal: the situation with the Donator's Conference. Without foreign investments we can not reconstruct the state, renew the economy, provide normal education, finance the Health, Welfare, pension founds", stays in the announcement.
