We shall respect authority of the President of the Republic

Sarajevo Jul 4, 1997

RS Army Headquarters

Banjaluka, 03 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President RS and Supreme Commander RS Army, received last night Gen. Pero Colic, Chief Headquarters RS Army, Corps Commanders, Commander of RS Air Force, Commander of RS Air Defense Forces and Chief of the Military Schools Center "Rajko Balac" in Banjaluka. After the meeting, Mr. Milorad Kutlesic, Deputy Chief RS Army Headquarters issued an announcement:

    "RS Army Headquarters judgment is that this is the crease of the

political state institutions, and it should be solved by the same institutions which created it. RS Army will stay in the frame of the Law and RS Constitution, protecting RS Army legitimacy and respecting constitutional authority of the RS President, with all her authorities and obligations as the Supreme Commander of the RS Army. The RS Army Headquarters demands the respect of subordination in RS Army Commands, which means that all orders are to come from RSA Headquarters. The creases must be solved as soon as possible, because of possible division in people and Army. All contacts with SFOR regarding the protection of the RS President are to be stopped. We ask for urgent meeting of the RS Government, where the only subject would be recent situation".(end)