Announcement which says nothing new

Sarajevo Jul 4, 1997

Federal Ministry of Interior and black marketing between the entities

Sarajevo, 04 July, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the statement of Mrs. Plavsic, the other end of the black marketing chain is in B&H Federation, and starting part is in the hands of RS Ministry of Interiors and some RS leaders. AIM was trying, for the last few days, to find out from B&H Federal and Cantonal Police officials, who are the persons mentioned in RS President statement. All we have been given is a statement by Federal Police:

"Signing Dayton Agreement, we have got a legal frame for establishment of the B&H Police Forces. By that Agreement, we have two Ministries of Interiors, one in Federation, and other in RS. Quite a few problems in the field of public security, left undefined, or they are not defined clear enough (exchange of informations, real, local and functional authorities, no extradition, etc.).

Such situation makes a large room for criminals, who remain untouchable, even they are under suspicion for criminal activities.

The most frequent illegal trade is on the territory of "Tuzla and Podrinje" Canton (road between Tuzla and Orasje) and in "Sarajevo" Canton (Vrace and Dobrinja). There are illegal goods and money transactions, mainly with goods of high tariffs (cigarettes and alcohol) and, lately, livestock.

Mostly, the transfer is done (Grbavica - Lukavica) by taxis, public busses and private cars of the people who live in Federation. Some times, they even use the vehicles of the international organizations ("Marlboro" cigarettes in the OSCE vehicle - accused Branislav Vuletic).

Also, on 22nd April, 1997, accused were Boris Savic from Sarajevo, employed by "La Benevolencia" and Srdan Subotic from Serb entity because of smuggling (1.764 kgs. of coffee and 13.723 kgs. of kitchen spice "Vegeta"). This good was to be sold in RS, using the truck of mentioned humanitarian organization.

B&H policemen, in period February till May this year, in cooperation with Market Inspection, temporary seized 24.488 packets of cigarette at the separation lines, with 17 persons brought to the courts.

According to the available informations, from the beginning of the aggression, there are 2.039 vehicles stolen (1.922 in "Sarajevo" Canton) from B&H citizens by individuals or organized groups from RS, and certain information points that those vehicles are still in RS.

At the first half of this year, there were, in "Sarajevo" Canton, 49 vehicles stolen by RS citizens (vehicles transferred to the RS territory)".

With such general and inadequate informations, "the other end of the Federal crook chain" remains a well kept secret by the Federal leadership officials.(End)