Mr. Gelbard's warning to Pale

Sarajevo Jul 4, 1997


Pale, 04 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mr. Robert Gelbard, Special Envoy USA for Balkan, stated last night in Pale, after Mrs. Plavsic decided to dismiss the RS, that he is warred because of shortage "of democrat structuralism of situation in RS in this moment". He met with Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, Member Presidency B&H, Mr. Dragan Kalinic, President RS Assembly and Mr. Gojko Klickovic, President RS Government. He, also informed about the deep concern of the Contact Group, which was in session day before yesterday in Hague.

"I ask all sides involved in this problem to act in accordance to the democrat principes and so find solution which will permit all democrat elected structures to continue with their activities", said Mr. Gelbard, warning that he will cut the aid if the situation is not solved in legal and right way. At the end, he said the he expect
"RS Government to respect Dayton Agreement".(End)