Searching for the Organization model

Sarajevo Jul 3, 1997

Independent B&H Trade Union (SSB&H)

Sarajevo, 03 July, 1997 (AIM) - In cooperation with the International Confederation of the Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), today, at the Trade Union Hall in Sarajevo, started two days Panel discussion with subject: "Statute and Program of the new democrat B&H Trade Union".

One of the participants, Prof. Dr. Omer Ibrahimagic, stated that future B&H Trade Union should be as a coordinating body, which would protect Branch Union interests abroad and at home: "Trade Union must not be a political organization. It must be based on the B&H Constitution and international conventions. As for the partnership, Trade Union should turn towards the owners of the means of production, like municipality, canton or entity".

"In a respect to the aspect of relationship to the other Trade Unions in the world, the optimal representation of the workers interests must be realized", said Mr. Jurgen Buksbaum, Representative of the ICFTU, adding that, "Trade Union must fight for worker's union regardless to the borders. If you establish cooperation with RS Trade Union, as well as with Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats, than the political influence will be significantly smaller".

According to the opinion of Mr. Sead Hodzic, B&H Federal MP, the Model of the Statute TU B&H, should be an expression of it's fundament - the interest of the workers: "It is so certain that employers will be well organized, and that fact must be considered".

The discussion is to be continued tomorrow at the Round Table, where they will tray to create the optimal model for B&H TU organization. As they stated: "... the establishment of the new TU organization, will be as painful as the privatization itself".(End)