Support for the President

Sarajevo Jul 2, 1997

Reaction of the RS political parties

Banjaluka, 02 July, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the public announcement of the Main Board SDS, AIM asked the opinion of several RS political party leaders.

Mr. Dragutin Ilic, Vice President Socialist Party RS (SP RS): "Our general standing will be decided soon at the meeting of the Executive Board SP RS. According to the RS Constitution, the President RS can appoint the Government, and replace it. We don't know, if she will do it or not. The President can be replaced only by voters referendum".

    Mr. Slavko Zupljanin, President Serb Patriot Party RS (SPAS): 

"The Main Board SDS mixed party's and State's roles. SDS is not the people, nor it is any other party in RS. RS is the state of the Serb and other peoples who live there. Mrs. Plavsic can leave SDS and still remain the President RS. According to the RS Constitution, the RS President is elected by the citizens, and it can be, also, an independent candidate who depends to no party at all. This try to discipline the President is in a typical manner of Stalin praxis and Belgrade behavior. SDS can not even open a process in the Assembly, because, the RS President is responsible to the RS citizen and they can replace her with same procedure as when she was elected (RS Constitution, Art. 88), which means by referendum or new elections".

Serb Homeland Front RS issued a public announcement in which they expressed support to the RS President, because she is President of both: position and opposition, of all Serb people, regardless to the party affiliation. They described the SDS announcement as a shameful.

Social - Liberal Party RS (SLS RS) issued an announcement too: "We strongly disagree with SDS Main Board statement, issued in Pale on 01 July, 1997. From their 'call to return to Pale' one can conclude that they are only secure when in Pale. They forgot their 'concept of polycentric development of RS'. Now we know that it is a simple farce. SLS RS respect the institution of the RS President, and agree with her statement about the criminal situation in RS. There will be more and more persons like Mrs. Plavsic who brake off with her SDS mistakes".

Mr. Ljubo Puvacic, Secretary General Serb Party of Krajina and Posavina (SSKiP): "The Main Board SDS can ask what ever they want. They should be aware that the RS President was legally elected by 700.000 voters, and only they can replace her. This move shows that we are in Police State".

Mr. Predrag Radulovic, President Federal Yugoslav Party RS: "I wish her all the best in her efforts to prevent the criminilazation of the State. It is not the question of her personal survival, but survival of the RS as an entity. This is something like 'Coupe d' Etat' organized by Main Board SDS".

Coalition "For Banjaluka"

Mr. Radoslav Brdanin, President People's Party RS: "The main reason for clash are numerous affairs, which pointed out, and will point out, several unknown persons. For the sake of the RS, let us ask for respect of the RS Constitution and Constitutional Court. We give our full support to the RS President in her fight against criminals in RS".

   Mr. Milorad Dodik, President of Independent Social-Democrats 

Party RS: "We support the President RS and her fight against criminality in RS, but she will have our full support when, in accordance to the Art. 72 of the RS Constitution, dismiss the Assembly, therefore the RS Government, and proclaims new Parliament elections in RS. Mean while she can appoint a Provisional RS Government".

Mr. Nikola Spiric, President Democrats Party RS for Banjaluka and Krajina: "It is not the point of Constitution, on which insists the Assembly and RS Government. Mrs. Plavsic touched into something which nobody dared by now. Insisting on Constitution is a try to transfer the thing to the another road, and suppress the truth. They should know that criminal is not guaranteed by the RS Constitution".(End)