Main Board SDS threats with replacement

Sarajevo Jul 2, 1997

"Plavsic" Case

Pale, 02 July, 1997 (AIM) - At the meeting finished in Pale, late last night, the Main Board SDS decided that main reason for recent political crises in RS, is misunderstanding between Mrs. Plavsic, President RS and other officials, and her unreadiness for cooperation with them.

In the public announcement, the Main Board SDS expressed it's resolute intention to stop existence of "two politics which negate each other", and asks Mrs. Plavsic to "come back to the state capitol and coordinate her activities with other state organs activities".

Also, the Main Board SDS asks Mrs. Plavsic to resign and put the Vice President in charge, if "she disagrees with this conclusion". SDS leadership stated that they will ask in RS People Assembly for opening of the resign process for Mrs. Plavsic, if she remains on her recent positions.

According to the RS Constitution Court judges explanation, given to the AIM in Pale, even the RS People Assembly can not replace the President, but it is authorized to open a process of resignation, which is to be approved by voters through the referendum.

Mrs. Plavsic stated yesterday on SRT, that she is not in obligation to any Law to change her recent address, nor to contact Mr. Karadzic. She will insist on replacement of Mr. Dragan Kijac, Minister of Interior RS.

Explaining it's decisions, the Main Board SDS stated that Mrs. Plavsic "engaged in her Cabinet some foreigners" whose influence on RS President is "dangerous for vital interests of RS". Also, Mrs. Plavsic decided on her own, to prolong the mandate of the OSCE, "which is doing it's best to make SDS loose the elections. What's more, she signed agreement for prolongation of arbitrage for Brcko, at the end of arbitrage's process, and so, put into a question all Serb arguments".

Beside others, the "mistake" was an agreement by which she authorized "foreign factors to chose Serb police" and allowed the Muslims to move into the zones of separations.

Next session of the People Assembly RS is called for Friday, 04 July, 1997 on Jahorina.(End) .