"I shall take all the measures to prevent RS from the catastrophe"

Sarajevo Jul 1, 1997

Mrs. Biljana Plavsic press conference

Banjaluka, 01 July, 1997 (AIM) - Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President RS, informed the present journalists, at today's press conference, about her 'informative talk' with Serbian Police at the Belgrade airport, about SRT false information regarding her arrival to Banjaluka, and about numerous criminal activities in RS where the Ministry of Interior RS is involved.

She informed, that upon her arrival to the Belgrade airport, they took her passport at the 'Passport control', and than showed her to some room where she was waiting another 2,5 hours. After that, she was given her passport and escorted to the boarding pass in Raca, where an official car was waiting for her. With that car and no escort, she came to hotel 'Dvorovi' where she stayed overnight. In the morning she came to the military barrack and took RS Army helicopter for Banjaluka. Mrs. Plavsic denied SRT information, about using SFOR helicopter, which she connected with Mr. Dragan Kalinic, President People's Assembly statement, which he gave in Sokolac. "The convert from one party to another, find himself in a position to call out the traitor", commented she his words.

"As for Mr. Dragan Kijac, the Minister of Interior RS, I have no contacts for a long time, because he wanted so. I have suspended him, and the Government denied my decision, which is against the Constitution of RS. Also, they planed the meeting of the Main Board SDS for a date, when I was absent", said Mrs. Plavsic.

She pointed out, that the truth must be presented to the people: "I have addressed the letter with a full information to the Main Board SDS on 24 June, 1997, before I suspended Mr. Kijac. I emphasized in that letter that I have always instructed people in RS to vote for SDFS, and all dishonesties I justified with war and with sanctions. The people believed in us and we won the elections. All what we have done, and what we have not done, was under the people's care, but also, under the care of the International Community. At the Constitutive Assembly RS, on 19 October, 1996, I presented my program regarding the constitution of the RS, based on the rule of justice, elimination of the 'Gray economy', established on justice wanted so much by our people. For one moment I had no doubts, that there might be some persons who wanted something different", stated she.

She mentioned the problems regarding the changes in the RS Army, and the facts that she had the informations about criminal activities in the RS Ministry of Police. "Mr. Dragisa Mihic, top man in the State Security Service RS, informed me that RS Ministry of Interior was involved in illegal trade with Federation: diesel, cigarettes, building materials, coffee, and all the money from such trade, was delivered in bags to, so called 'confidential persons'. He defined it as a State Criminal. Mr. Kijac confirmed that and stated that all the trade was done through the firms 'Select Impex' and 'Centrex', but all orders were given to him by former President Karadzic. All those relevant informations I have passed to the Government RS".

At the end, she pointed out that she will take all possible measures, given to her by the Constitution RS, to prevent catastrophe in RS. "International Community will not wait to long for us to establish the legal State, but before they give up, they will push us into united B&H", said she , adding that she has an obligation to save the people from the catastrophe.(End)