Chaos and disgrace

Sarajevo Jul 1, 1997


Banja Luka, 30 June, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the recent events in political life of the RS, some leaders of the political parties stated:

Mr. Slobodan Popovic, Member of the Main Board of the Social-Liberal Party RS:

The Court should decide about illegality

"We do not say who violated the Constitution. It is the RS Constitutional Court with it's experts which should decide who violated the Constitution. Anyhow, our party does not accept any illegal activities".

Mr. Ilija Lukic, Vice President Serb Patriot Party RS (SPAS):

Time for settlement

"In accordance to the unconfirmed informations that Mrs. Plavsic was arrested and deprived of her State function, SPAS thinks that is high time for final settlement with people on the top. We hope that RS Government and People's Assembly will have enough courage to put everything in odder, so that people in RS can see who is on the line
and who is behind.

If she wanted the investigation of the activities of the firms "Centrex" and "Select Impex", and if she was held because of that, than it is some kind of hazard. SPAS can not agree that Mrs. Plavsic is a traitor. She should issue an announcement, to inform the public about the situation".

Mr. Radoslav Brdanin, President People's Party RS (NS RS):

It is 'Coup d' Etat'

"This is a Police State, where the Minister of Interior is more important than the President of the State. Mrs. President has a right, according to the Constitution, to replace any of the Ministers, and, even if she is wrong, her word is the last one and should be obeyed. The recent event is a farce, and by it, SFOR has been given a green light for an intervention. If some State do not recognize it's President, than it is considered as the 'Coup d' Etat'.

Nowhere in the World there is such situation, where a person who proclaimed the President as a traitor is not arrested. Here, Mr. Velibor Ostojic, Vice President RS Government, signed such document. I am afraid that this might press Mrs. Plavsic to resign, which is the most dangerous thing, because the people is in confusion. After such moves, the Government can move, but not to Serbia, because Serbian Police arrested the President of RS".

Mr. Mico Carevic, President Communist Union - Movement for Yugoslavia:

Mrs. President, also breaks the Constitution Law

"There is a great justice confusion in RS, and everybody is acting in opposition to the RS Constitution. Even the President RS, because she has no rights, according to the RS Constitution, to replace the Ministers. The suggestions on replacement should be adopted in Assembly. The same way is for replacement of the President. By holding the RS President for informative talk, Serbia made a big scandal, because Mrs. Plavsic is the legal President of State.

All this is a big disgrace, because in this State nobody knows who is responsible for something. Nobody acts in accordance to the Constitution. The Central Organs of the Republic: the Government and the Assembly did a lot of things without Mrs. President's knowledge. By asking for investigation of the activities of the firms 'Centrex' and 'Select Impex', she involved herself into the something for what she is not strong enough. She was a bit too naive, and she has no chance to finalize it".(End)