Ministry of Interiors supports itself

Sarajevo Jul 1, 1997

Regarding the decisions from the President RS

Banjaluka, 30 June, 1997 (AIM) - At yesterday's meeting of the Collegium of the Ministers of Interiors RS, where the present were Chiefs and officials of the Public and State Security, and Anti-terrorist Police Brigade, the subject was political-security situation in RS. Also, the present were informed about the President's decisions and the decision of the RS Government, which proclaimed such decisions as illegal and in opposition to the Constitution.

At the announcement of the Ministry stays that, "the leadership of the Ministry unanimous decided that the President's illegal and anti Constitutional decisions interfere with work of the Ministry, and, therefore, disturbing the normal activities of this State organ".

They express their wonder about "pressure at the Ministry by unexpected side - Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, the President RS, firs verbal, and than in the form of decrees and demands which, surely, International Community will use for destabilization of the Ministry and whole RS".

"The Collegium of the Ministers with the leading officials supports it's, by the Law described duty, stating that the Ministry can not and will not realize illegal decisions made by anyone, and even by the President RS", stays in the announcement.(End)