Opposition support Mrs. Plavsic

Sarajevo Jul 1, 1997

RS Parties reaction on recent political events in RS

Banjaluka, 30 June, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the decision of Mrs. Biljana Plavsic, President RS, about suspension of Mr. Dragan Kijac, Minister of Interior RS, and RS Government's announcement of denial of such decision, journal "Dnevne nezavisne novine" informed about the reactions of some of opposition parties:

"By this move RS is in jeopardize, because, the people, who do not know what is written in Constitution, are in confusion", said Mr. Dragutin Ilic, Vice President Socialist Party RS, adding that his party will ask for Special session of the People Assembly, to clear the situation, because the interest of the nation must be over the personal interests. Mr. Milorad Dodik, President of the Independent Social-Democrats RS, thinks that this situation will create two groups: one devoted to Mrs. Plavsic, and another one devoted to Pale. "The President can suspend any of the Ministers in Government, if she thinks that there are reasons for it. But, today in RS, you can not make a decision in Government Institution - the decisions are made by Karadzic, not by Mrs. Plavsic".

Mr. Slavko Zupljanin, President Serb Patriot Party RS, think that whole Government should be replaced, because, an impossible act in the history of democracy has been made: the Government which was established on the suggestion of the President, annulled President's decision. "The Government, without a reason, proclaimed the President of the Republic as a traitor. That is an impossible political act, illegal and in opposition to the Constitution, which leads to the elimination of the State", said he.

Mr. Radoslav Brdanin, President People's Party RS: "The problems are those person who think that Mrs. Plavsic was elected 'pro form', and few of them would continue to rule. They thought that RS Government would be their logistic service, and people will serve as experimental rabbits. They gamble with the destiny of the people".

Democrat Party RS thinks that recent crash is a result of parallel government, where one, illegal, Center of power, constantly creates opposition to the International Community and disagreement inside RS. SDS is occupied with interior fraction clashes, instead to solve people's problems.

Mr. Dragan Kalinic, President People's Assembly RS, stated that the Police is under the attack from some persons who came here to create unstability and tension. They have been joined by "some of our members who are afraid or don't know what they are doing", pointed Mr. Kalinic, adding that, this time he did not mean only on opposition.(End)