Problems of RS are problems of B&H

Sarajevo Jul 1, 1997

Alternative Ministers Council B&H (AMV)

Sarajevo, 01.07.97. (AIM) - "The problems existing in RS - arrest of Mrs. Plavsic, blockade of independent medias in Banjaluka, obstruction to the opposition - are the big problems of B&H", said Mr. Sejfudin Tokic, President AMV, B&H Government in Shadow, at today's press conference, adding that, those actions "...represent an open obstruction and opposition to the Dayton Agreement. Also, it shows a full synchronization between regime in Belgrade and SDS's exponents. Krajisnik, Karadzic, Kalinic and Kasagic, better known as 'The Four K'".

The AMV doubts that, this might be Karadzic's "Coup d' Etat". Therefore, the B&H State Organs must be more active, like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which asked to resume the sanctions towards Serbia. "Mrs. Plavsic is the legal high representative of the one of the entities in B&H, and by arresting her, Serbia expressed it's delegitimation of election process. If it was a person from Federation Government, by now, there will be a strong diplomatic activity", stated Mr. Tokic.

Regarding the blockade of the independent medias in Banjaluka, Mr. Tokic thinks that, OSCE should react more serious, instead of taking some "cosmetic measures".

Regarding announced meeting between Mr. Izetbegovic and Mr. Tudman, Mr. Tokic stated that, it will have sense only in case when the politics platforms of both countries are leveled: "Neither those meetings or diplomatic-Consular network will have sense if they are exponents of the mononational parties".

Recent price's rise of the products in the firms which are under control of the leading party (PTT, electricity and water) in AMV consider as inadequate to the present economic situation in B&H, and as "... the ambitions of the national oligarchies to satisfy their daily political needs. The politicians in both entities should consider the real situation in Economy, taking care of the present life standard".

The AMV announces the meeting of the 'Coalition for Return', next week in Travnik, where they expect the presence of the entity Ministers, who are supposed to publish their programs.(End)