Nothing unpleasant happened

Sarajevo Jun 30, 1997

Mrs. Plavsic in Bijeljina

Bijeljina, 30 June, 1997 (AIM) - Thirty minutes before noon Mrs. Plavsic, President RS, left hotel "Dvorovi" near Bijeljina on her way to Banjaluka. She confirmed, to the AIM representative, the information about her official visit the Great Britain, and denied the information published by some Belgrade medias, about unpleasant 'welcome' at the Belgrade airport.

From the relevant sources, it has been confirmed that Mrs. Plavsic had yesterday a meeting with Gen. Pero Colic, Chief of
the Headquarters RS Army. There is no confirmation about the presence of some other top persons from politics and police forces.

Mrs. Plavsic pointed out, that her duty is to inform the people of RS about delicate position of RS, and, possible, total isolation in politics and finance.

During her stay in hotel "Dvorovi", the presence of the SFOR and IPTF was very significant, which might create additional comments in public.(End)