Coup d' Etat

Sarajevo Jun 30, 1997

Serb Party of Krajina and Posavina

Banjaluka 30 June, 1997 (AIM) - Regarding the Announcement of the RS Government about the cancellation President RS decisions, at today's press conference, Mr. Aleksandar Iliskovic, Vice President Serb Party for Krajina and Posavina, described such RS Government behavior as classic "Coup d' Etat.

"When the Police is not respecting the President, who wants to put it in order, than there are the elements of classic 'Coup d' Etat'", said Mr. Iliskovic, adding that, "Mrs. Plavsic is under the State Media embargo. She gave an interview to the 'SRNA' and 'SRT' at Belgrade airport, but nothing was published. Actually, that interview was published on Second Program RT Serbia. The Media in RS are under control of Milosevic and Karadzic".

"Now, she has to bring RS Government and Assembly to their senses. If she is not able to do it, let her resign, and we shall elect a new President. Also, if we have to choose between the President and Government, we shall support the President", said Mr. Lazarevic, adding that such behavior will reflect on Donator's Conference in Brussels.(End)