No respect for the RS President

Sarajevo Jun 30, 1997

Special Session of the RS Government

Banjaluka, 30 June, 1997 (AIM) - At the Special Session of the RS Government in Pale, the decision by Mrs. Plavsic, RS President, about suspension of Mr. Dragan Kijac, Minister of Interior RS, was rejected as unconstitutional and illegal.

The RS Government stated that Mrs. Plavsic's decision "is in coincidence with intentions of the part of the International Community, to put RS Police under total control".

"Mrs. Plavsic, President RS, with such approach to the function of the State Organs and Institutions and with such decisions which are in opposition to the RS Constitution, deliberately or not, join the side of those forces which, by wrong interpretation of the implementation of Dayton Agreement, want to eliminate RS", stays in the RS Government announcement.(End)