Pristina Jun 24, 1997

AIM Pristina, 19 June, 1997

It seems that as time is passing, it is becoming more and more difficult to find the right way for resolving the problem of Kosovo after years of ignoring the Serbian authorities by the Albanian population, after adoption of the new Constitution of Serbia and suspension of the assembly of Kosovo they were excluded from institutional and all other forms of life seven years ago. In the long-lasting status-quo in which discontent, distrust, and even deep ethnic division between Kosovo Serbs and Albanians led to raising tensions, many appear to have realized that everything was in vain. Both the ones and the others in a way feel "cheated". The Serbs because their authorities practically have no power over the majority Albanian population, and the Albanians because they have not won support of the international community and the USA for realization of their aspirations for independent Kosovo. But, as opposed to the Serb population which was promised the moon and given a free hand by their president Milosevic as the "superior" nation, and which is now manifesting fear that "Serb national interests" would be "sold out", Kosovo Albanians will probably show greater persistence in waiting for the times to change. Although aware that if they voted in the Serbian elections they would greatly contribute to creation of a new quality on the political scene of Yugoslavia, they nevertheless do not wish to give up on their cause easily. This is especially because the issue of Kosovo has been internationalized, because it is used in various means of exerting pressure on Serbian authorities by international decision-makers, and finally because the Albanians are expecting to be rewarded for their peaceful policy in attaining their political objectives. On the contrary, informed about pressure from abroad which they mostly believe to be unjustified, because "it is a well-known fact that Kosovo is sacred Serb land", the Serbs from Kosovo seem to be slowly awakening from a pleasant dream. What will happen if the Albanians become involved in the institutions of the system again? How would they (the Serbs) prevent outvoting? How would they live together? What are Serb interests in Kosovo? How could they keep control?...

Those very same ones who organized numerous rallies in Kosovo in mid eighties have been trying to find answers to all these questions for a few months already. Those who participated in the events which consolidated Milosevic's power and pushed the Albanians into parallel life, are now becoming aware that it was all wrong. That they may easily be left empty-handed... That is why bishop Artemije and the former prime minister of Kosovo Momcilo Trajkovic, who is the current leader of the Serb Resistance Movement, are trying to move the question of the minimum of Serb interest in this space from the stalemate it has been in for years.

Two convened meetings failed because political personages from the Serbian authorities and the opposition refused to come, and the third held in the end of last month in the monastery of Visoki Decani near Pec is considered to be a success. Only representatives of the Socialist Party of Serbia failed to appear, and those of the Serb Radical Party, because the Radicals believe that the Serbs from Kosovo are not competent to organize any talks about this issue. The question of Kosovo is very painful both for the representatives of the Serbian regime and the opposition leaders, especially now, before the federal elections. It is necessary to be cautious when mentioning Kosovo, because any "benevolent proposal" might mean a seriously reduced electorate.

The fourth in a row Serb-Serb dialogue about Kosovo was held a few days ago in Belgrade Intercontinental Hotel, to see, as the Bishop of Raska-Prizren says, "who does not wish to talk about Kosovo". "Nobody can say that the place of the meeting is far away like last time (previous meetings were organized in Visoki Decani) and fail to appear on account of that", said Bishop Artemije. "The difference between us who have gathered here and the Serbian regime is that the regime believes that the problem of Kosovo does not exist - as we have recently heard from the president of Yugoslavia", said the Bishop resignedly.

Although this Serb-Serb gathering was held behind closed doors, it was possible to find out that there were no major surprises. As at the previous meeting in Decani, satisfaction was expressed with the response of all parliamentary parties, except, of course, the ruling and the Serb Radical Party, but their seats were taken by representatives of the Students' Initiative and the Democratic Youth in favour of the King. The Serbs from Istok, who are for more than a fortnight trying to reach high representatives of Serbian authorities in order to demand "what is theirs" - housing promised to them, constructed with the resources from the YU fund for returnees, although not announced, also attended the meeting. "Our problem is also a part of the problem of Kosovo", explained Marko Terzic from Istok.

It was impossible to find out all the details discussed at the Serb-Serb gathering, but according to the convened press conference of the participants at the gathering, Bishop Artemije, Momcilo Trajkovic and Vojislav Kostunica of the Democratic Party of Serbia, it could be discerned that there had been no specific proposals for resolution of the "powder keg" of Kosovo. It seems that the same thing happened like last time when the participants had various proposals, but they all admitted that they had no concrete solution for Kosovo. "The state leadership must have a solution", they had concluded then. Probably in order to avoid further gatherings without actual results, establishing of an expert group was announced which will in a week's time at the latest submit a draft document on the minimum of Serb interests in Kosovo. "We did not talk about a consensus today, but how to reach it", stressed Vojislav Kostunica. "The expert group will try to define the legal status of Kosovo and human and minority rights", he specified. Kostunica, in fact, insisted that it should be said what the Serbs from Kosovo wished, and not only what they did not wish, but also that demands of the Albanians and the international community should be taken into account. Trajkovic expressed a need not only for a Serb-Serb dialogue, but also for Serb-Albanian talks, but preceded by defining of the Serb interests. "It is not in the interest of the Serb nation to make the Albanians citizens of the second order, but equal citizens of democratic Serbia", he said.

The Serbian regime was criticized at this gathering again for its failure to even put the issue of Kosovo on the agenda or for retreating whenever Kosovo is mentioned. To accusations that the organizers were not competent to initiate talks about the issue of Kosovo, Momcilo Trajkovic replied that there was nobody more competent to speak about it than those who lived in Kosovo. "We don't want another Dayton to happen to us, when Slobodan Milosevic was the only one who negotiated and signed everything in the name of the Serbs from Bosnia, without their being able to say anything", Vojislav Kostunica added. Trajkovic continued: "For ten years the authorities in Serbia have done nothing concerning the issue of Kosovo and consequences can be fatal. They believe that the issue of Kosovo concerns them alone and that only they should resolve it", Trajkovic says.

After she had left the gathering at the Intercontinental Hotel shortly before its end, President of the Civic Alliance of Serbia, Vesna Pesic, expressed suspicion that "the authorities probably intend to bargain with Kosovo" and that that was the reason for their not sending representatives to the gathering. "I don't know what's on their minds, they never participate in any debate, and the problems such as Kosovo can be resolved only through a debate", Vesna Pesic commented. "I stressed that destruction of the state in the Balkans must stop", said Pesic and added that her opinion was that the problem of Kosovo could not be resolved by further fragmentation of the state and change of borders. Ms. Pesic also warned that the issue of Kosovo could not be observed separate from the context of the Balkans and participation of interested states - Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece. "And perhaps there is no solution for the issue of Kosovo", she declared.

Judging by the very brief statements of the participants of the Serb-Serb dialogue, the impression is that little has been done to ease the Serbian-Albanian tensions. During all these years the same conclusions could be heard, both from the authorities and the Serbian opposition. The only step forward that has been made is manifesting of the will to change things, to live safely and peacefully. But also to show "who wears pants in the house".

On 27 June, in the yard of the Gracanica monastery, representatives of parliamentarian and non-parliamentarian parties of Serbia and Kosovo Serbs will meet again at the all-Serb national conference. Perhaps realistic concrete proposals will be stated there. It is certain, however, that this time Slobodan Milosevic will not be invited like last year. It seems that the Serbs from Kosovo do not trust him any more...

AIM Pristina Boris Vukovic