Sarajevo Jun 13, 1997

Programs of Return of Refugees

AIM Sarajevo, 26 May, 1997

After the minimum of conditions for return of B&H citizens from abroad had been created, and due to the increasing pressure exerted especially by European countries in order to finally initiate such a program, a working group for repatriation (RWG) was established in B&H towards the end of March last year. Formed of UNHCR, IOM, Ministry of Civilian Affairs and Communication of B&H, IFRC and SFOR, it is still active. According to the memorandum on cooperation signed a month later, UNHCR and IOM, International Organization for Migrations, were assigned "the responsibility for coordination of all operational and logistic aspects of organization of voluntary return of B&H refugees who are at the moment living in host countries outside the territory of former Yugoslavia".

Practically, this implies organization of their transportation, assistance during the journey, accommodation in transit and provision of all necessary approvals and documents for the passengers and their luggage. The IOM has gone even another step further in this direction. This organization is nowadays in B&H implementing four programs of return of B&H refigees - the program of return in general (RAEG), the additional program of return (GARP), the program of return of highly qualified experts (RQN) and the program of medical rehabilitation.

Reintegration and Emigration Programme for Asylumseekers in Germany (REAG) is intended for all Bosnian refugees (persons who sought asylum and refugees with the status of temporary protection) who are voluntarily returning to the country, regardless of the their economic situation. The program is financed by the Government of Germany and some of the federal states and it includes financial assistance, necessary coverage of travelling expenses, regardless of whether they travel by bus, plane or car. Therefore, all the refugees who apply to benefit from this program are entitled to the aid of 150 German marks for adults and 75 marks for each child, with the total amount not permitted to exceed 750 marks per family. The condition for becoming eligible for the program is that refugees are returning to the country voluntarily, which practically implies possession of a valid residence permit, the so-called "duldung", and a permit to cross the border, along with a valid passport. Applications can be submitted only through voluntary organization for social welfare, local or regional administration or the UNHCR. If such an organization does not exist in the present place of residence of the refugees, those who are interested may directly refer directly to IOM office in Bonn.

The second program (GARP) is intended to assist reintegration of returnees after their arrival in B&H. It is intended mostly for candidates who are entitled to social welfare or those whose income does not exceed the amount allocated as social welfare. The program supplies a single amount of aid of 450 German marks per adult and 225 marks per child, and it is paid after return in IOM offices in B&H. At the moment there are two such offices - in Sarajevo and in Pale, and the office in Bihac is expected to start operation in the next few days. There is also a limit of 1,350 German marks per family, but since the program offers several possibilities, variations are possible.

Each federal province in Germany, apart from this program, may organize separately its own aid to returnees. This is the case with Nort Rhine-Westphalia which offers aid independently from GARP.

Contrary to the mentioned ones, the program of return of highly-qualified experts (RQN) is intended for both refugees in Germany, and all B&H refugees in Europe, and even in the world. Financed by the international community, this program includes assistance in finding a job but also in technical equipment necessary for work. Since November last year when it was created, 84 candidates were employed in this manner, while almost 700 offers for employment have already arrived. In the next three years, for as long as it will be present in B&H, RQN program will employ, according to calculations, one thousand qualified workers.

In close cooperation with the Government of B&H, IOM identified priority fields for reconstruction of the country which are especially affected by shortage of qualified labour. According to the assessments, the most threatened fields are health services, education, construction and industries, as well as private entrepreneurship. Although these professions are given priority in employment, it does not mean that experts in other fields are not entitled to apply.

The main purpose of RQN is to establish contact between the highly qualified experts who are abroad at the moment with institutions which have vacancies and which are unable to find adequate workers in the country. The program is useful not only for the employee, but also for the employer who along with the worker acquires the right to apply for seven-thousand marks' worth of equipment per employee. The money is intended for purchasing of the necessary equipment and material connected with the candidates profession, and selection of equipment is completely left to the employer and the candidate. Apart from it, there is also the assistance in salary amounting to 450 German marks for a duration of a whole year, which is in fact the maximum which the employer must pay the worker each month. If this amount fails to cover the gross income, the employer must make up for the difference.

Experts who have evidence of their qualifications may apply for a job through this program by filling out a form with data on their curriculum vitae, which they can get in IOM offices or majority of organizations in the host country which deal with the questions of refugees. Employers apply by sending the forms of offers for employment to the same offices, which are then entered into RQN's data base. The employer is entitled to make a selection from a list of candidates. There is also the possibility of locating a specific candidates who is abroad and who is informed about the offer by IOM. If it is established that it is necessary, IOM may offer additional financial aid for the worker's return and accommodation.

RQN program is also opened for self-employment of qualified candidates who wish to found their own enterprises in B&H or who wish to become partners in the already existing firms.

There are two projects which are part of the IOM medical assistance program - the program of international teams and the program of medical evacuation. Initial results of a new project for improvement of health services are expected very soon. The project is intended for medical workers who are in Norway at the moment, but also those who have already returned home. It refers only to medical workers who would after return work in Mostar, Sanski Most and Kljuc. The advantage would be given to physicians, nurses, dentists, pharamacists, midwives, and laboratory technicians, and their employemnt contracts would be for six months, with the open possibility to return to Norway after that. All refugees with adequate qualifications are entitled to apply.

Along with these activities, there is the IOM program of international expert teams which trains health workers in B&H for work in anesthesiology, gynecology, ophthalmology, and gastroscopy. At the moment these teams work in Brcko, Sarajevo and Mostar, and it is planned that the program be extended to include Sanski Most, Kljuc, Lukavac and Gorazde.

IOM program of medical evacuation accepts applications only for very complex ophthalmological, orthopaedic and otorhinolaryngological treatments.