Sarajevo Jun 10, 1997


AIM Banja Luka, 30 May, 1997

Although all economic analyses of Republica Srpska consider unemployment as the main indicator of the situation in the economy, the exact number of the unemployment is not known. The latest official data published in mid 1996 showed that there were 84,744 persons registered in the unemployment offices. The study titled Strategy of Resolving Acute Economic and Social Problems in RS, made by a group of professors of the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka and Sarajevo in 1996, the actual number of the unemployed is about 210 thousand. Since after the end of the war there was no significant setting in motion of economic capacities, the number of the unemployed has not decreased.

An independent trade union of the unemployed workers of Republica Srpska was founded recently in Banja Luka. Its president, Cedomir Surucic, says that the datum on the number of the unemployed exists only in Pale and he claims that it was impossible to determine it accurately because majority of privately-owned enterprises refuse to register their workers as the unemployed. He believes that order can be introduced into the field of employment. "New labour legislature is needed and inspection must be more efficient in its job. With the help of experts we will try to make plans for opening and development of small enterprises, and programs of cultivation of the unused agricultural land", says Surucic.

According to statistical data of the employment office in Banja Luka, the number of the unemployed on 30 April 1997 in the region was 40,141, out of which 14,776 were women. There are 15,201 unemployed skilled workers, 459 highly skilled workers, 12,212 unskilled, 1,279 semiskilled workers, 9,305 with secondary-school education, 1,058 with college education and 617 university-educated persons.

Among the unemployed, there are 3,654 disabled veterans, 1,583 members of families of killed soldiers and 10,440 refugees and displaced persons. According to age, majority of the unemployed (14,640) are between 26 and 35. There are 10,264 persons who are in the age group between 15 and 25 among the unemployed; there are 9,579 unemployed persons in the age group between 36 and 45, 4,461 persons between the age of 46 and 55, and 1,050 persons are between 55 and 60.

In order to be registered at an employment office, they need to have their employment booklets which must be closed and stamped as evidence that they are not employed, and the identity cards to prove their identity and place of residence. Refugees could so far register only with a refugee card. After RS had regulated the procedure for issuing identity cards and enabled refugees to get personal documents, an identity card issued by Banja Luka Secretariat of Internal Affairs is also needed for application.

According to the Law on Employment, all enterprises, regardless of whether they are socially or privately-owned, are obliged to inform the employment office about all vacancies. Based on the information about needed workers, the employment office publishes ads in the media. However, the number of such ads is decreasing. They can be seen only in Kontakt magazin published by Glas srpski. Those who are looking for a job claim that vacancies are not made public, but that directors decide on their own who and how they will employ.

The Law on Employment of RS establishes priority criteria in employment. Members of families of killed soldiers have the priority, then disabled veterans, participants of the war, and only after that the other unemployed persons. The office has no means to control whether the Law is implemented because it is not authorized to check or establish irregularities in employment.

If they are recipients of pecuniary compensation, unemployed persons are obliged to report to the office every month, and the others every three months. The unemployed who have worked for nine months without interruption have the right to compensation, and those who lose jobs due to bankruptcy or reduction of jobs.

In May 1996, the Government reached a decision that all demobilized conscripts are entitled to pension and disability insurance and health protection. Members of their families are also entitled to it. The Government is obliged to pay pension and health insurance to them and their families. It is possible to practice the right to health protection only if health insurance has been paid for. On 30 April this year, there were 17,497 registered demobilized soldiers.

Five morose young men are queuing at the office in order to have their unemployment cards certified, and refuse to talk for the press. One of them could not resist the persistent journalist: "It is sad that I am standing here. These people have shed blood for this state and the state should be ashamed that such a large number of young men are waiting for a job".

Svjetlana Celic