Albanians in New York

Pristina Apr 5, 1997

AIM Pristina, 2 April, 1997

After Serbian-Albanian gatherings in Brezovica and Kotor, Montenegro, have been cancelled, it seems that the most serious initiative for setting Serbian-Albanian dialogue in motion will be the round table in New York to be held between 7 and 9 April, which is organized by the Project for Ethnic Relations. Announced as a gathering of good will where "specific issues" in the Serbia-Albanian dispute would be considered, the gathering in New York planned for the second half of December last year was postponed because of the complicated situation in Serbia at the time. According to Alen Kasoff, President of the Project for Ethnic Relations, the issues in the fields of education and health should have been discussed. However, as the Albanian representatives explained at the time, "after signing of the agreement between Milosevic and Rugova on normalization of teaching in Albanian language, and after long announcements of the possibility of opening the question of health by the Serbian authorities, certain topics had in a way already been 'covered'". In this connection, discussion began and different versions on possible topics of conversation were presented for the newly planned New York gathering.

After the first cancellation, changes occurred on the list of participants, too. "Spectacular" return of Adem Demaqi to the political life in Kosovo, and his nomination for the President of the Parliamentary Party of Kosovo, second in size among the parties of Kosovo Albanians, forced the organizers to send an invitation to Demaqi'a address, as well. That is how the number of Albanian participants increased to five. Along with Demaqi, Fehmi Agani, Hydajet Hyseni, Veton Surroi and Mahmut Bakalli were expected to travel to New york. Circles close to the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo (DSK) claim that Demaqi was involved after one of the vice-presidents of this party had insisted on it. However, Demaqi and his party were still not satisfied, claiming that "the wish of the organizer to take over a serious initiative, demands a serious approach". In this sense, Demaqi sent a letter to Alen Kasoff "expressing disagreement with discrimination of the Albanian party", corroborating this by the number of participants - seven on the Serbian and five on the Albanian side. Demaqi was also dissatisfied with the fact that two representatives of the Democratic Alliance were invited, so he demanded extension of the list with another member of his party. His demand was conditioned by "refusal to participate at the gathering". Explaining his stance by "financial problems", the organizer in the beginning rejected subsequent demands, but soon agreed to Delaqi's ultimatum. That is why his newly nominated vice-president Abdulah Karjagdiu is also travelling to New York.

At its own initiative (and as claimed, at its own expense) the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo has in the meantime decided that Edita Tahiri, head of the foreign relations sector of this party, should also participate at the gathering. But, this decision was also changed, so that instead of Ms. Tahiri, President of Kosovo Christian Democrats, Mark Krasniqi, is travelling to the USA.

As the date of the beginning of the gathering approached, discussions intensified, but also speculations about possible Albanian platform on resolution of the political status of Kosovo, which will be presented in New York. The fiercest reactions were caused by the political project of Adem Demaqi on "creation of a confederation of three independent and sovereign states: Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia" which he calls "Balkania". Publicized on the eve of the meeting and at the height of the crisis in Albania, Demaqi's project found itself in the midst between "supporters" and "opponents". The first to react was the Information Centre of Kosovo (close to the DSK) which demanded "declaration of the Parliamentary Party for or against Demaqi's proposal", claiming that "Demaqi's initiative was dangerous because it opens a dangerous practice". In the Parliamentary Party of Kosovo, after various pressures, they decided to support the proposal explaining that this was "the attempt of Mandela from Kosovo to find an acceptable solution for the Kosovo problem". Reactions, however, intensified due to the announcement that Demaqi would "present his idea about Balkania at the New York gathering". Considering this concept as one of the "ideas in circulation" Vice-President of the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo Fehmi Agani declared that he "personally thinks that confederation proposed by Demaqi was unfeasible, primarily due to the fact that Serbia would much rather agree to independence of Kosovo than to a confederate relation with Montenegro".

While President of the Christian Democratic Party Mark Krasniqi believes that the only option is independent Kosovo, it is interesting that representatives of the Party of National Unity (UNIKOMB) also declared themselves against "Balkania", although they are considered to be close to Demaqi. Vide-President of this party Afrim Morina declared that "nobody has the right to put the Albanian people in a community with two other nations historically hostile to the Albanians, even if it were Adem Demaqi". Regardless of everything, Demaqi has decided to go to New York with the project of "Balkania" in his pocket. He did not waver even when he was reminded that Kosovo Albanians had declared themselves in favour of independence at the referendum. "It is a fact", they say at the Parliamentary Party, "that the question asked at the referendum implied the possibility of connections of Kosovo with other federal units".

Current circumstances in Kosovo, diversity of the delegation, but also as most commonly claimed, weakened position of Kosovo due to the crisis in Albania, impose the question - what options will be stated in New York by other Albanian participants. It is already quite clear that Demaqi and his Vice-President will defend "Balkania", Fehmi Agani and Mark Krasniqi "will stand firmly in defence of independent Republic of Kosovo open to Albania and Serbia", Mahmut Bakalli and Veton Suroi will probably not be far from it, while Hydajet Hyseni will be in the most awkward position. As Vice-President of the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo, but also as one of the closest friends of Adem Demaqi, Hyseni will carry a "large burden" over the Atlantic Ocean.

It seems that hardly anything can change resoluteness of a part of the participants of this gathering overseas to present their own, separate platforms. Not even the recently held consultative meeting of participants of this gathering convened by Adem Demaqi will prevent them in it, as well-informed sources claim. It was agreed at that meeting that they would all present a joint stance: independence of Kosovo. Only Mark Krasniqi was not present at this meeting. It is also indicative that just two days after the Albanian-Albanian concensus was reached, Demaqi had a press conference and again openly advocated "Balkania", publicly declaring that he had given an ultimatum to membership of his party: they would either support this project or he would withdraw from the post of the president. The former prevailed.

Leading analysts of Kosovo still have not declared their views about this gathering, but nevertheless various rumours are spread in the political lobbies. Some claim "that the gathering in New York would serve only for feeling the pulse of the two parties for the purpose of considering possibilities for establishing the final dialogue". The others, however, claim "that this is so far the most significant attempt to open the problem of Kosovo including the issue of its political status". All things consisdered, the gathering in New York for many Albanians In Kosovo raises optimism because of the opportunity to find a model for "a way out of the long lasting exhausting Kosovo crisis". If representatives of Serbia this time do not abstain from the talks, this gathering might be a true introduction into a serious Serbian-Albanian summit on the highest level.

AIM Pristina Besim ABAZI
