Sarajevo Feb 12, 1997

Forum of the Federation

AIM Sarajevo, 4 February, 1997

This month will quite certainly be very significant for the beginning of operation of the B&H Federation. Partners in power, representatives of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) and the Croat Democratic Community (HDZ) at the session of the Forum of the Federation held on Moday in Sarajevo under auspices of the Assistant American Secretary of State, John Cornbloom, agreed about timing for implementation of all obligations previously assumed but not fulfilled. This time the federal partners will hardly be able to avoid assumed obligations with clearly set deadlines.

Participants of the Forum invited the Committee for Implementation of the Sarajevo Agreement to submit draft amendments to the Constitution of the Federation by 12 February, and the proposal of the composition of the future city Council by 14 February. Accordingly, the Committee for Implementation of the Agreement on Organization of Sarajevo will meet again on 6 February. It was also agreed that the federal partners would by 12 February determine the draft amendments of the Constitution of the Federation for Mostar. It was agreed that by 10 February the question of working premises of representatives of the authorities of the Federation in Sarajevo and Mostar would be resolved. The federal partners also coordinated their views concerning freedom of movement on the territory of Mostar, on prevention of persecution and return of banished persons to their homes, that is about removal of barricades and undisturbed flow of traffic. According to the mentioned agreement, by 14 February, six municipalities should be constituted in Mostar, and joint monetary system in Neretva Canton should be established. It was agreed that the Government of the Canton would meet on Friday, 7 February, and adopt temporary measures for financing the municipalities. Federal partners agreed also about accomodation of four ministries of the Government of the Federation in Mostar, in the building of the Court in Kolodvorska street. The deadline for this job is 8 February.

Agreement was reached about the need of urgent resolution of the question of municipalities which were divided by the demarcation line between the entities, as well as constitution of new municipalities in the Federation. Draft Law on Municipalities will urgently be introduced into the regular procedure in the Government and the Parliament of the Federation. Ministry of Justice will demand the opinion of the Advisory Committee which operates under auspices of the Council of Europe. Pursuant this agreement, by 10 February, six members of an experts' committee will be elected, which will in a week give its opinion on draft laws. The whole job should be completed by the end of February.

The composition of the mixed police of the Canton of Sarajevo was agreed. It will be formed by 70 per cent of Bosniacs, 15 per cent of Croats and 15 per cent of the others. In agreement with the IPTF, cantonal police will be constituted by 20 February and by that time police forces of Sarajevo will be wearing cantonal uniforms.

The federal partners admitted the significance of adopted regulations for uniform operation of the Federation on its entire territory. It was decided that draft laws in the sphere of transportation, telecommunications, agriculture, forestry, water supply, pensions and working relations would be elaborated and sent to the Government by 5 March, and then forwarded to the Assembly of the Federation.

By 1 July, the federal partners should elaborate draft criminal law and law which regulates civil issues. Draft budget and law on the budget will be drafted by 28 February. All draft laws which are in the procedure will be put on the agenda of the next parliament session.

The federal partners called the cantonal authorities to adopt legal regulations about the education system by 31 March. The Government of the Federation will propose to the Parliament establishment of the Council of the Federation for implementation by 20 february. A special group consisting of one representative of the High Representative's Office and one of the American Embassy, three Bosniacs and three Croats, will begin work on the status and organization of federal media on 10 February.