Sarajevo Jan 21, 1997

Picture of Social Poverty

AIM Banja Luka, 14 January, 1997

Not even the best world economists would be able to "extend" the average salary of 40 German marks so that it could buy the consumer's basket necessary for mere survival. How people employed in Republica Srpska manage to do that is simply inexplicable. A high political official in a comment on recent shy demands of the Trade Union said that pressuring the Government to raise salaries and pensions would be without any hope to succeed until exploitation of manufacturing capacities increased. And realistically speaking, this has no chance to happen in any foreseeable future. A year after Dayton, it became clear to everyone that obstacles to higher standard of living were neither the sanctions nor the blockade on the Drina, but incapability of the leadership which "the people placed their trust in for a new mandate" in the elections.

At the moment, there are 150 thousand citizens with the status of employed persons, but there are more than a hundred thousand people with working ability registered by the employment bureau, who will, all things considered, have to wait for a job for a long time to come.

Starting from the situation in the economy, movements of prices and social and financial situation of employees, the Government of RS determined that the lowest labour price amounts to 110 dinars. This amount is at the same time the basis for payroll account in enterprises, institutions and state agencies and other organizations engaged in economic and non-productive branches of the economy. The salaries of unskilled workers range between 132 and 143 dinars, semi-skilled workers between 154 and 165 dinars, skilled workers and workers with secondary-school education acquired in two years between 220 and 242 dinars, and skilled workers and workers with secondary-school education acquired during four years between 275 and 297 dinars.

A highly qualified worker may earn between 275 and 330 dinars, just like a worker with college education. University-educated staff earn between 396 and 440, and employees with the degree of master of sciences and specialists earn between 484 and 506 dinars. Salaries of doctors of sciences range between 550 and 583 dinars. Of course, salaries are paid in cheques to all of them. According to the current exchange rate of the German mark, the salary of a doctor of sciences amounts to about 150 DM.

The black market and illegal trade which was "legalized" by the current authorities, and privileges of the powerful not to pay taxes and contributions, are reasons why budget beneficiaries have not received their salaries since September, and pensioners their pensions since August. Subsidies for vacations and aid for provisions for winter and heating fuel for budget beneficiaries are an unknown quantity. Therefore, it is no mistake to claim that the worst employer in Republica Srpska is its government. "This will be confirmed by education and health workers, the military, the police, the judiciary, pensioners, all those financed from the Government budget", says Cedo Volas, President of the League of Trade Unions of Republica Srpska, adding that the same destiny awaits also enterprises whose management is engaged more in party than in entrepreneurial activities.

At the recent meeting with Prime Minister Klickovic representatives of the trade union demanded increase of responsibility of the Government of Republica Srpska, more efficacious work of inspection services, urgent adoption of the Law on Strike and ban of discharge of workers initiated by employers, including deletion of the article of the Law on Labour Relations which permits discharge of a worker who has spent six months on forced leave.

Apart from the difficult conditions of business operation, the situation in the economy has lately also been shaken by problems of political nature. Cedo Volas comments on the circumstances as follows: "There were quite a few cases of workers sent on forced leave because they are not members of the political party in power. In this way the fundamental right of every citizen to freedom of political activities is violated... The trade union also reacted to discharging of managing personnel because of their political affiliation in Novi Grad, Teslic, Kozarska Dubica, Zvornik and some other places. The party in power should not have a say concerning personnel policy in enterprises, skill should be more important than party affiliation. However, this is not the case around here". According to the words of Volas, the already difficult and disturbing situation in enterprises, is additionally burdened by managing and supervisory boards nominated by the state. He believes that the law has confused competences of managing and administrative agencies and that this makes the vicious circle complete.

Discharging of workers because of their nationality which in the past few years was marked in all war-stricken republics of former Yugoslavia was carried out unselectively. In the League of Trade Unions of Republica Srpska, they believe that a law will be adopted which will regulate the status of those who lost their jobs during the war because of their nationality and that it will refer and be implemented for all the victims in both entities of B&H, but also those who were banished from Croatia and Slovenia. After all, international law treats discharge of workers because of their nationality as the gravest form of discrimination of workers.

"Our choice is to cooperate, primarily with the League of Trade Unions of FR Yugoslavia and the International Trade Union. For the time being thare is no direct cooperation between ours and the Trade Union of B&H Federation. It is true, however, that through mediation of the European Conference of Trade Unions, we had joint meetings, at which we manifested complete unity concerning the issues of our concern. The main objective which connects us is contained in the question how to influence the international community to invest faster and more efficiently into reconstruction and development of war-stricken areas, Volas explains, stating the fact that the average personal income of employees in the B&H Federation is five times higher than the average personal income of the employed in Republica Srpska. Assessing the situation in the economy, Volas says that the part of resources intended for reconstruction and development would have to be forwarded into the social fund - for salaries and pensions, or on the contrary, there will be no way out from this hopeless situation.

To the question whether reactions of the workers are expected and what he thinks about the Law on Strike, Volas first points out to the fact that the Law on Strike adopted by the federal parliament of former SFR of Yugoslavia is still implemented in RS: "From our point of view, strike is necessary. Everywhere in the world it is a legal means for attaining workers' objectives, and it will be like that here too. During the war and the immediate war danger, prohibition to strike caused great damage to Republica Srpska because it contributed to the lullaby which still lasts".

Discontent with low and irregular pay, general social misery and intention of the state to sell social property for cheap without agreement of those who created it, could lead the employed in Republica Srpska into a time of uncontrolled social rebellion.

(AIM) Radmilo Sipovac

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