Sarajevo Dec 20, 1996

B&H Helsinki Committee for Human Rights

AIM Sarajevo, 10 December 1996

The news did not reach the public right away - Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia & Herzegovina is one of the seven recipients of this year's award for the rights of man of the French Republic "Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood". The award will be handed in to the recipients, as stated in the brief explanation, on the Day of Rights by the President of France, Jacques Chirac.

On the eve of departure to Paris to receive this prominent award, we arrive at the arranged meeting with the President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in B&H Srdjan Dizdarevic. The appropriate moment imposes the first appropriate question: are numerous congratulations and acknowledgements arriving, as appropriate?

"Only individual ones, from friends", he answers. "The authorities of Bosnia & Herzegovina and their representatives have not sent a single word of support. They are still deaf like they have been during the entire time of our existence for the past two years".

Yes, that is how it goes. The situation was similar on the occasion of recent reception of the Helsinki Committee for Human rights in B&H as an equal member of the International Helsinki Federation and election of Srdjan Dizdarevic in its Executive Committee, as the highest agency of this respectable organization engaged in protection and promotion of human rights. It may sound somewhat cynical but it is true that Srdjan Dizdarevic, as the President of the B&H Helsinki Committeeis is meeting tomorrow the President of the French Republic, Jacques Chirac, and the President of Presidency of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic, during all this time has never expressed a wish to get acquainted with the work of this organization not even for a few minutes. And God knows who has not march in front of him in the meantime.

"This is by no means mere accident", says Srdjan Dizdarevic, "This is simply a matter of two different political concepts. The authorities are in favour of the national collectivity and political organization of Bosnia & Herzegovina according to national criteria. This refers not only to Republica Srpska and Herceg Bosnia but also to the region, as usually said, controlled by the Army of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Whether we admit it or not, B&H is at the point of definite national division according to national criteria. That is why the Helsinki Committee is a thorn in their flesh. Because they are in favour of authoritarianism and we are in favour of democracy, they are interested in the national collectivity, and we in democracy and the citizen regardless of his nationality. Therefore, it is clear why they have no fancy for us and why extremist nationalists even refer with animosity both to the Committee and individuals who are engaged in it. You see, the Constitution which is in force on the territory of the Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina implies implementation of the European Convention in all parts of B&H. Human rights are still flagrantly violated in all spheres of life, especially concerning housing relations, employment rights, the situation concerning personal and property safety is not any better. It is obvious that the ruling nationalistic parties - SDA, HDZ and SRS - are not manifesting any political will to implement those parts of the Dayton peace accords which should mean establishment of democracy, rule of law and respect of human rights and freedoms. But, even those charged by the international community for implementation of the civilian part of the Dayton accords have not expressed too much will for their implementation".

Srdjan Dizdarevic documents this with facts. Since the Dayton accords were signed, 130 thousand people have been displaced by force which marks acceleration of the process of ethnic cleansing and division of B&H, on the territory of Republica Srpska and the so-called Herceg Bosnia cases of prosecution of people and prevention of return of refugees are registered every day, in the suburbs of Sarajevo with obvious benevolence of the authorities and the international community, local population of Serb nationality left their homes in a mass exodus. In Ilidza, Grbavica, Hadzici, Vogosca and Ilijas pressure is still exerted on the remaining Serb population without the official authorities, especially the police, even expressing much will for efficacious action. An increase of murder cases was registered in this space, and the perpetrators have not been found.

In charge primarily of protection of human rights and freedoms, the Helsinki Committee should be satisfied with its specific results in this field. The people would then have full confidence in it. Unfortunately, despite all the good will, personal, professional and legal engagement, results in this field are not satisfactory. Power of the authorities and individual national power wielders as a rule is above the existing normative regulations. This refers especially to the sphere of housing and employment, personal and property safety. Specific effects in exercising these fundamental human rights, Srdjan Dizdarevic admits, are small and unsatisfactory. At the time of rule of national oligarchies they obviously cannot be better. Dizdarevic, therefore, says:

"Our activities at the moment primarily consist of establishing the state of affairs on the territory of entire B&H. You see, the international community in this territory has its institutions for protection of human rights, such as the Home of Human Rights, Ombudsmen and the Committee for Property Issues, but unfortunately, neither can they brag of adequately meeting the needs of the people. Exercising of one's rights unfortunately still resembles futile banging one's head against a wall. Being aware of it, in the Helsinki Committee we decided to regularly inform the most competent international institutions about the situation in the sphere of human rights. Objectively and impartially, we inform the International Helsinki Federation, the Committee for Human Rights of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European Union, the European Committee for Security and Cooperation about the situation. The only criterion we use are international standards in the sphere of protection of human rights, that voice is heard better abroad than here, and it is certain that it is not without effect in the international community. The high award we were awarded by the French Republic testifies this. Besides, our activities have spread now to the territory of the whole B&H, we have our offices in Republica Srpska and Herceg Bosnia, and without them the local authorities would have hushed up many things. That is why we are a thorn in the flesh of the current authorities. Because both Alija Izetbegovic and Kresimir Zubak and Momcilo Krajisnik do not wish to see violations of human rights in their own back yard but only in that of the others. The recognition that we were given will be a stimulus for us to tell the world the truth, however bitter it may be, and we are aware that this is our contribution to democratization and establishing of the legal state. Whether they like it or not".