Sarajevo Sep 22, 1996

AIM Sarajevo, September 21, 1996

Political structure of authorities in Bosnia & Herzegovina after the first post-war elections remains the same, but on the political scene there will be certain personnel changes.

For the parties which have been in power so far, the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) and the Croat Democratuic Community (HDZ), election results are "as expected and a confirmation of the will of the people".

President of the SDA and winner in the elections for a member and president of the Presidency of B&H, Alija Izetbegovic, considers the victory of his party to be the victory of the centre, of a reasonable policy, and his work in the Presidency he sees as a continuation of the struggle for full implementation of the Dayton accords.

"At the moment, its partial, incomplete implementation is on the scene, which we do not accept", says Izetbegovic and adds that Annex 7 of the Dayton accords is not implemented at all and its implementation should be put in the focus.

"The main instrument of reintegration of B&H lies in it", Izetbegovic believes.

Candidate of the HDZ and former President of the Federation of B&H, Kresimir Zubak, received news about his becoming a member of the Presidency of B&H as a logical outcome of the policy his party had pursued so far in homogenization of the Croat nation in B&H. Obviously thrilled, Zubak explains the election victory as something quite expected. He does not hide the surprise with the percentage, though, i.e. the number of votes he won.

"I have expected the victory, but I must admit I have not expected such a large number of votes in the Central Bosnian canton. My impression was that position of candidates of the Associated List of Ivo Komsic was better over there", declared Zubak, stressing responsibility and obligations which await him as member of the Presidency of B&H.

Here is what some of the candidates from the list of the SDA for the Parliament of B&H and the federal parliament say about the election results and their future obligations:

"According to still incomplete results, the SDA won 50 per cent or 21 seats in the Chamber of representatives of the Parliament of B&H. We would like that percentage to grow even bigger by the time election results become official. Then we could prepare laws in peace and work on reintegration of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Through the state and the parliamentary system, through their operation and competence, I hope that the whole space of B&H will be reintegrated", these are the words of Edhem Bicakcic.

"Election results, these figures and numbers, are confirmation of reality, disposition and will of the people. They are at the same time an indication that the SDA was not filling out form P-2", says Halid Genjac, who does not consider the fact that the DNZ - Fikret Abdic's party - will be in the parliament of Una-Sana Canton important, because the SDA has won absolute majority there.

Fatima Lacevic (SDA) comments on her election to the Chamber of Representatives of the B&H parliament as follows:

"In the past four years women have really worked hard and it is quite logical that they should be among the candidates. They are in politics because they have worked so hard, been with their people, helped them. That they are candidates on the lists of political parties and that there are many of them among the elected ones just certifies that this is not a matter of benevolence of males, but a status won by a great effort. Similar is expected to happen in the assembly."

Jadranko Prlic, a candidate from the list of the HDZ for parliament of B&H, says about the post-election period:

"In the past few days, after election results were publicized, everybody seems to be talking about the Presidency, when and where it will meet, as well as about the central authorities. Little is being said about establishment of the Federation, about the need for the federal parliament to meet, the government, parliaments of the cantons, districts, because they are the ones which delegate candidates for the Chamber of Nations of the federal parliament".

Srecko Vucina, Secretary General of the HDZ comments on the initial elections results according to which he will be a deputy in the federal parliament:

"We are generally satisfied with election results, but not with the work of the OSCE during counting of the ballots, because two municipalities in the Herzeg-Bosnian district have been omitted. On the level of the districts our representation varies from simple majority to all the others. In the Parliament of B&H we will have 7 to 9 seats, and in the federal 33. We have expected complete success", says Vucina.

About participation in the authorities, having been elected for the parliament of B&H and the Federation, candidates of the Associated List say:

Selim Beslagic: "We have representatives on all levels, which is a success of the Associated List and the result of the fact that the ideal of integral B&H both exists and is accepted. In the course of the next two years we will continue to be active and be the force which participates in directing correct development and reintegration of B&H. We will also be cooperative with all the opposition parties."

Ivo Komsic: "We assess these elections as our success, because national fascism of the three parties has been truncated by our winning seats in the parliament. The ruling parties have won these elections by lies. The SDS conducted its campaign so that it has never said to its sympathizers the truth that annexation of Republika Srpska to FR Yugoslavia would never take place. According to Dayton accords, this process is unfeasible. The HDZ has also won the elections by lies. They spoke about the idea of strengthening the Federation, and at the same time moved the Croats into especially cleansed regions. The SDA too won the elections by lies because they apparently advocated reintegration of B&H, but organized all their gatherings in such a manner as to scare away the few remaining citizens who were not Bosniacs. The people felt that they ought to give their votes to these parties because they need the addresses to which they can send bills for the past war. Our job is to fight for truth in a legal manner", says Komsic.

Stjepan Kljuic believes that noone could have presumed that such a strong opposition would appear both in the RS and B&H which would draw the attention of the citizens with their ideas and programs. "That idea is that both in RS and in B&H there are forces which wish integral B&H. In this respect we are encouraged that a large number of people have given their votes to the alternative to national parties. I believe that our real chance are elections in 1998", says Kljuic.

Mujo Kafedzic thinks that the elections have been neither just nor democratic, neither fair nor honest. In the past elections, the national has won against the civic and that is dangerous for the future of B&H. Delusions citizens of this country have been misled to believe in should be destroyed by legal means. This will be done by the Associated List because its supporters are legalist.

The Party of B&H has also ensured for itself a humble place in the authorities.

"As a new party we have no reason to ne dissatisfied. However, the election results are below expectations. The outcome of the elections will be measured by the degree of reintegration of B&H. Election results have shown total national homogeneity, which may be aimed at nothing but division of B&H. Geographic, cultural and political homogenization leads to disintegration of B&H", says President of the Party for B&H and candidate for Presidency, Haris Silajdzic.

While parties which will become part of the authorities are more or less satisfied with election results, candidates of political parties which have not succeeded in it, have municipal elections to hope for.

"I have never doubted that the election results would be any different from what they are. I expect more from municipal elections because now the citizens can normally, without fear, consider who to vote for on the local level", declared President of the Civil Democratic Party and candidate for member of Presidency, Ibro Spahic.