Sarajevo Aug 28, 1996

Subject: Boric of the SDA claims the pre-election climate in the Una-Sana Canton to be favourable. The games of the mediator Schiling are transparent.


Bihac, August 26, 1996 (AIM) - "Despite certain misunderstandings and different interpretations, I consider that the political climate on the territory of the Una-Sana Canton is favourable for the holding of September elections", says Adem Boric, President of the Una-Sana Canton Assembly and bearer of the SDA list at the cantonal level.

The statement of Kristian Schwarz Schiling on the introduction of a possible electoral moratorium on 11 communes in B&H, which would also include three towns in the Una-Sana Canton - Bucim, Cazin and Sanski Most - Boric comments with the following words: "We were somewhat surprised by such an opinion of the mediator Schwarz Schiling, who visited our Canton twice. Our estimate is that in any of our communes the atmosphere is better from the one prevailing in the Serbian entity. Whatever happened in Cazin is over. The SDA was punished and proceedings have been instituted against those responsible for the "Silajdzic case". We hold that the taking off of our men from the list was too harsh a measure, but we thought that had "satisfied" the international community. Why do they need another incident? To claim the climate unfavourable for the elections? We can only guess what is it all about", says Boric.