Sarajevo Aug 28, 1996

Subject: The BS reports on the establishment of the Croatian communes as an anti-Bosniac act and Ajanovic's visit to the USA.


Sarajevo, August 26, 1996 (AIM) - The Bosnian Party issued a statement saying that in the name of Bosniac interests it cannot condone the loser's policy pursued by the present Bosniac leadership. The acceptance and establishment of the so called Croatian communes on the territory on which there is Bosniac and Bosnian-Herzegovinian population is nothing else but throwing of a spanner to our national interests, in the first place the reintegration of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the basis of equality of Bosniacs with their neighbours. There can be no equality with the HDZ establishing its communes, and the Bosniacs being prevented to return to their homes in the so called "Herzeg-Bosnia". According to the Bosnian Party much greater the problem is the fact that such anti-Bosniac acts of the present Bosniac leadership legalize the policy of the Pale regime.

This party also reports of the visit of the President of the Bosnian Party, Mirnes Ajanovic, to the USA at the invitation of the US National Democratic Institute. Ajanovic will serve as the election supervisor in the States and have a number of meetings with the American officials. He will ask the US Government to prevent the interference of the Serbian and Croatian leaderships in the internal affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.