Sarajevo Aug 28, 1996

Subject: The Civil Democratic Party condemns unauthorized start of the voting procedure in Turkey for B&H refugees.

Civil Democratic Party

Sarajevo, August 26, 1996 (AIM) - In connection with the news that polling places for B&H citizens in Turkey have opened for voting, Ibrahim Spahic, President of the Civil Democratic Party (GDS) sent an open letter to the OSCE, the organizer of these elections, and the B&H Foreign Affairs Ministry, which reads as follows:

"The GDS of B&H considers that the opening of the polling places in the Republic of Turkey raises at least three disputable questions. Firstly, on the basis of which decisions has the voting process already began in Turkey when the final decision on the voting of B&H refugees abroad has not yet been made. It is well known that both the OSCE as well as political parties in B&H are in a dilemma concerning the holding of local elections on account of the P-2 form which legalizes ethnic cleansing.

Secondly, on which democratic procedure has the electoral process in Turkey been launched without any links being established with other countries in which there are also B&H refugees.

The third disputable question is how is it possible to start the election process when even the pre-election silence period, which is obligatory in all democratic countries, has not yet been introduced?", states Spahic's letter.

The GDS thinks that this is in violation of all the three principles prescribed for the holding of free and democratic elections and thereby prejudices the political decisions which neither the competent bodies of the international community nor corresponding authorities in B&H have adopted.