Sarajevo Aug 26, 1996

Union of B&H Social Democrats

AIM Sarajevo, August 1996 - "After September elections in Bosnia & Herzegovina, nothing worse than Dayton can happen. That is why postponement of the elections would mean destruction of the already fragile peace process. It is not realistic to expect that the necessary conditions would be ensured until the day when the elections are scheduled", it was stated today in Sarajevo at a press conference of the Union of B&H Social Democrats.

"Ensuring of conditions depends among other on the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) and the Croat Democratic Community (HDZ), and they do not wish to do it. The existing conditions are just the result of the presence of 60 thousand NATO soldiers and powerful international pressure", said Vice-President of the UBSD, Sejfudin Tokic.

He stressed that this party had demanded postponement of the elections in some municipalities a long time ago (in western Herzegovina, Bosanski Petrovac, Sanski Most), but also in some municipalities on the demarcation line between the entities.

Vice-President of the UBSD warned also against the low level of safety of the participants in the elections, indicating that police forces in both entities have become actively involved in the election campaign of the ruling parties.

"Abroad, for instance, behind the alleged state electoral committee stands in fact the 'united staff' of the HDZ and the SDA headed by Zoran Perkovic and Bakir Alispahic. This 'staff' operates for the benefit of the parties and not the state of B&H. Due to such a situation, the voters abroad have not received even a minimum of information about voting, and tens thousand citizens of B&H mostly from mixed marriages have not been able even to get hold of registration forms", Tokic stressed.

Such cases, according to his words, were especially striking in Berlin, Hanburg, Stuttgart. That is why the UBSD and the Associated List demanded from German state agencies and political parties to enable voters to come to their prewar residences to vote.

Tokic also stressed that the UBSD was trying to direct attention of the international community to the situation which would prevail after the elections.

"Many international institutions, mediators, administrative factors probably believe that their job will be completed in B&H after September 14. Indeed, that is when a true test of the Dayton accords will begin. The Associated List demands, therefore, better synchronization of the international engagement in the civilian part of implementation of the peace agreement. Nowadays, there is no centre where tasks for this part of the agreement would be initiated. Civilian implementation has been dispersed between Bildt's office, OSCE, the European Union....", says Tokic.

He also commented on what he called "resurrected love affair between the HDZ and the SDA" which is, according to the stance of the UBSD, just a typical pre-election understanding. The UBSD sees abolishment of "Herzeg-Bosna" in this light too.

"'Herzeg-Bosna' will be abolished from August 31 until September 14. It cannot be abolished politically. It is obviously just a matter of pre-election mimicry."

Member of the Executive Board of the UBSD, Svjetlana Fabjanc said that the Associated List has received an offer for compensation of the confiscated leaflets in Bihac. The offer was forwarded by those who had confiscated the leaflets, but the compensation was actually given by the OSCE.

"Of course, we have not accepted it, because the loss we suffered because our leaflets were 'arrested' cannot be compensated", said Fabjanc.

She stressed that the first round of presentation of candidates in B&H has just been completed, and two days ago it was completed in Germany, Denmark and Sweden. Soon the Assocciated List will organize two large pre-election gatherings in Belgrade and in Zagreb. Next week it is preparing a great finish of the campaign in Tuzla, on its Liberation Square.