Sarajevo Aug 23, 1996

Democratic Patriotic Block:


AIM Derventa, August 21 - Democratic Patriotic Block (DPB) continued with its series of public appearances in the election campaign in Derventa yesterday. According to the words of Predrag Radic, candidate of the DPB for President of the Republic of Srpska (RS), this was the only possible form of struggle against blockade in the state-controlled media.

The presentation was held in a somewhat surrealistic atmosphere between the ruins of the Catholic Church and the former Club of the Army, in the town without a single building that had remained intact.

"The Serb Democratic Party (SDS) in Mostanica solemnly swears by the state of law", said Radic and added: "Not even the communists used folk festivities for their promotion". Predrag Radic stressed that discharging of directors only because they were not members of the ruling party had to stop. "The SDS must stop with labelling everyone else as traitors and with attacks on Serbia", Radic continued ardently, "because it was not just Serbia that signed the Dayton accords and it is well known whose signatures stand on the document on Karadzic's removal from office", said in the end the Mayor of Banja Luka thunderously applauded by about two thousand citizens of Derventa gathered at the rally.

The rally was attended also by a large number of refugees who suspiciously shook their heads, saying resignedly that they did not know who to trust any more, because everybody just gave promises, but it was difficult to know who was speaking the truth and who was lying.

"In the joint institutions of B&H, we must act and work as Slovenians had done in former SFRY, who for years prepared the ground for independence and finally succeeded", said Dr Mladen Ivanic, candidate of the DPB and the Alliance for Peace and Progress (SMP) for a member of the Presidency of B&H.

"The SDS does not have the exclusive right to defend interests of the Serb people while that same people was left without everything that the ruling party had promised", said Dr Ivanic, stating the example of the Neretva river valley, the seaside, Sarajevo, Gorazde and uncertainty about Brcko.

Dr Ivanic repeated again that the law on privatization was legalization of the plunder by the state. As an ominous confirmation of his words, at that very moment a convoy of trucks loaded with wood for building material was passing through Derventa in the direction of Serbia. The town is covered with posters of the Serb Radical Party (SRS), and not a single poster of the DPB could be seen, although its representatives told us that they had pasted the whole town with posters just the night before the rally.

"When clever people are silent, fools talk, and the mob gets rich, be sure that it is the end of the world", this is how Radovan Bjelogrlic began his speech, who is a candidate of the DPB for a deputy in the Assembly of the RS, quoting Ivo Andric in order to illustrate his stance on spiritual, moral and financial crisis. Bjelogrlic emphasized that the great problem of the people was political laying of bastards at other people's door, which the ruling party was very skilful in doing and he got a prolonged applause for his words. "The opposition is demonized to such an extent that it serves to the authorities to 'piss' on it", Bjelogrlic became emotional, but then stressed, "We shall not be such opposition!"

Zlatko Adzic, candidate of the DPB for a deputy in the RS also took the floor and ardently stated: "We know how to make and preserve the Serb state. We have not betrayed the people, we have betrayed the character who grew Stalin's moustache on his forehead". Adzic continued to attack Krajisnik and the ruling party accusing them that they were self-centred and forgot about the people, and he was seen off the platform with a great applause.

The other speakers, Rajko Prodanovic, the first on the list of candidates for deputies for the joint assembly of B&H, and Dragutin Mirovic, candidate of the DPB for the same body, were also warmly welcomed by the citizens of Derventa.

After the rally, Predrag Radic told the journalists that he did not believe that a report from the rally would appear on state television or some other state-controlled media. "We had big rallies in Prnjavor and Zvornik, but they did not get a second in the program on television, while a report from the rally of the SDS in Mostanica lasted for half an hour which would, according to the pricelist, cost 10 thousand German marks, which the ruling party did not pay, of course, and we have not that kind of money", Radic ended his statement.