Sarajevo Aug 8, 1996

Young Liberals

AIM Sarajevo, August 6, 1996

The young members of the Liberal Party of B&H sent a letter to the Minister of internal affairs, Avdo Hebib, today sarcastically congratulating him on "the generous decision on abolishing curfew". Minister Hebib had decided to abolish for two days the curfew which is still effective in the Federation B&H everyday between 23.00 and 05.00 hours. The immediate cause for this temporary abolishment is the hardly known to anyone, but as the young Liberals say, mysterious manifestation with a strange name: "Ceremony of Floating Lanterns in Sarajevo".

"The cause for the abolishment and the (in)significance of the mentioned manifestation speak in favour of complete derogation of the institution of curfew", claim young Liberals.