Sarajevo Jul 22, 1996

AIM Mostar, July 20, 1996

Constituting session of Mostar City Council elected in local elections on June 30, is scheduled for July 23, to be held at the seat of the European Administration in Mostar. The invitation was signed by Milan Jovicic, the "doyen" of the elected councillors of the City Council.

As it is known, the Croat party has refused to recognize the results of the local elections in Mostar, which were proclaimed by a decree of the European Administration.

The Croat party explained its stance by significant violations of election rules, and the mayor of western Mostar, Mijo Brajkovic, declared that he would not participate in constitution of the City Council.

According to the results of the elections, coalition the "List for United Mostar" headed by the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) will have 21 mandates in the City Council of Mostar, and the Croat Democratic Community (HDZ) will have 16.

Five councillors of Serb nationality from the "List for United Mostar" were elected to the Council, because they were more better ranked on the list than candidates of Serb nationality on the list of the HDZ.

Election rules prescribed that there should be 16 Bosniac-Muslims in the central City Council, 16 Croats, and 5 persons of other nationality.
