Sarajevo Jul 17, 1996

Association of Camp-Inmates of B&H

AIM Sarajevo, July 11, 1996

Irfan Ajdanovic, one of the deputies in B&H parliament, former camp-inmate who had spent two and a half years in Serb camps, one of the renowned men in the Party of Democratic Action, continues in his manner with the practice of acting in the name of the Bosniac people, in other words with obstructing the work of those who are implementing the principles of multiethnic society and national equality. Some time ago, for instance, accompanied by a group of like-minded persons, he obstructed the work of the founding assembly of the Association of camp-inmates, political prisoners and prisoners of war of B&H, calling all the Serbs and the Croats (Vladimir Srebrov, Perica Koblar...) who were elected to the Presidency of the Association, counter-national elements, and then even kicked out a part of the legally elected leadership from the premises of the Association. He broke into one of the latest meetings of the Executive Board, insulted those present and after the meeting, with four of his followers, changed the lock on the door!

Sedika Ceric, Secretary General of the Association says: "Although elected to the Presidency, Irfan Ajanovic did not show up at the meetings of the Association. He ignored all invotations we had sent him. Although he had promised to do so, he did not supplement the Statute of the Association. At the controversial meeting he insulted us, the former camp-inmates again - Srebrov, Mesihovic, Koblar and me. He even called us all spies!"

According to Sedika Ceric, Ajanovic declared that he did not act only in his own name, but that an institution which protects the interests of the Bosniac people stood behind him. "For what reason and in whose name is Ajanovic insulting us when we agreed at the founding assembly that we were against any partisan and political interference with the work of the Association. At the central headquarters of the SDA (the ruling national party) we were told that they had nothing to do with Ajanovic's behavior, and that they disassociated themselves from his acts. They suggested that we demand a statement in writing from him saying which institution stood behind him".

And when we asked for a commentary of these allegations at the headquarters of the SDA, Edina Bicakcic, head of the information service, told us that she knew nothing about the visit of that delegation and that we had to call Secretary General Mirsad Ceman. After we had been referred to from one person in charge to another for almost a whole day, we finally found out that the delegation of the Association which complained against Ajanovic's acting was received by Kasim Bajramovic, professional secretary of the SDA: "Ceman and all the other persons in charge were absent, so I received Sedika Ceric and Professor Behdzet Mesihovic. Our general attitude is that the SDA has not founded that Association, they had done it themselves. They are autochthonous and they must resolve their problems on their own. As concerning the statement of Sedika Ceric that I said that they should demand a written statement from Ajanovic, I had not suggested it", says Bajramovic.

We looked for Ajanovic in the temporarily seized premises of the Association. Since he was not in, Osman Gojacic, also one of the camp-inmates, told us: "It is true that after the Saturday meeting Ajanovic, with four other men, changed the lock. The group which complained to the journalists did some very serious and ugly things. They were not decent at all, they were even rough. You should ask for more detailed information from Irfan Ajanovic, because we do not wish to unnecessarily politicize the whole case."

We consulted Sedika Ceric again, and she claimed quite the opposite - they had been the ones who had been insulted, there had even been physical conflicts about who would take over the premises and executive functions, and to the question why they had not complained to the Ministry of the interior, she answered: "We did not because we decided to wait and see whether someone would call us concerning everything that has happened. Obviously, this does not cencern anyone, that is Ajanovic has decided to be the boss. We have the insignia, the statute and the seal in our possession, and we believe that we have the right to demand protection in court."

And while the ones are waiting, the others obviously know what and with whose blessing they are acting.