Skopje Jul 20, 1994

AIM, Skopje, July 18, 1994


The hitherto president of the largest party of Albanians in Macedonia, Xheladin Murati (he came to the head of the party after the PDP split into two factions - the so called "Thafists" lead by Arben Xhaferija and the "Parliamentarians" headed by Xheladin Murati) submitted his unconditional resignation, although it remained unclear whether he did so due to personal reasons or because he became aware that the dispute between the leaders of this Party were deeper and ever more difficult to overcome. Abdurrahman Haliti was elected the new Chairman, owing to the support of a considerable number of members who were in favour of his becoming the leader of this Party, although judging by current developments a little too late - now that the membership is declining and when the so called Thafi wing is becoming stronger by the day. Is this the end of the disagreements between the leaders of this Party, or is it the beginning of a new stratification,will soon be known.It is an indisputable fact that at present the PDP no longer has the standing it had among the Albanian population and that at the next elections the "political map" of Albanians from Macedonia will be completely different as compared to the one in 1991 which was a reflection of their total monolithism.

Only a few days after the Albanian representatives returned to the Parliament, a suprising bit of news arrived from Tetovo: the President of the largest Party of Albanians in Macedonia - the PDP - Xheladin Murati submitted a unconditional resignation. His resignatiron was the main reason for convening the assembly of the Party and for all the disagreements between the officials of the Party to come to the fore. The explanation of the hitherto President, Xheladin Murati (he was elected chairman of the PDP after the stormy events when the ranks of the Party split into two wings -the so called moderate one whose leader he became and the Hathafists headed by Arben Xhaferija),that he resigned due to "personal reasons" satisfied no one and only became the source of new speculations about the real reasons of his resignation.

Rumours have had it for quite some time now, that even after the "consolidation" of its ranks, great differences remained in Xheladini's camp. Namely, that there are too many of those who aspired to be president from way back when the "execution" of the first President of the Party, Nevzat Halili, and the PDP leadership at that time was being prepared. Among those who were considered most "destructive", the name of Muhamed Halili is mentioned most often, a man for whom it is said that he cannot not bear anyone being above him. The discussions at the General Assembly, when the resignation of the hitherto President, the second one in a row in the PDP, was being considered only confirmed such speculations.

There is no doubt that almost no one believed President Murati when he said at the Assembly: "You probably expect big words from me, but I must emphasize once again that the reasons of my resignation are of a personal nature." He felt no need give an answer to those who pointed out that the reasons were deeper and that they reflected the differences among the leadership of this Party.

Those who claim that the reason of the President's resignation is the new job he has been offered as professor at the Pedagogical Academy, as well as those who seek the reasons for his resignation in the abstention of Albanian representives in the work of the Republican Parliament are disappointed because the President did not give a valid explanation for his action. All the persuading to remain in the office of president until the next elections or to give a more detailed explanation of his resignation proved futile: it appears Xheladin Murati had only one wish - to leave as soon and go away " as far" as possible from the leading position in this Party.

He is a moderate intellectual ( with a P.h.D in pedagogy, one of a number of the differentiated individuals at the time of the "famous" battle "against Albanian nationalism") equally respected by the Macedonians and Albanians in the Republican Parliament. At the same time Xheladin Murati was the Vice-President of the Republican Parliament and is remembered by all for his constructive duscussions. His arrival at the head of the PDP after the extorted fall of Nevzat Halili was a sign that the so called "moderate"wing kept the leading positions in the Party, although it was clear to everyone that his election would not put an end to the disputes among its membership.

It was pointed out at the very beginning that he became the Party leader against his will, taking it as a "party task"and that were too many of those who aspired to become the Party President. At the Assembly of the Party held in Tetovo, after his resignation was accepted, Andurrahman Halili became the new Party leader .Precisely when it was being decided who the new chairman would be, it became clear that the differences between the officials of the Party were deeper than they seemed and not so easily surmountable as it first appeared. Among those wo have been trying for quite some now to materialize his presidential ambitions the most obvious was the already mentioned Muhamed Halili who had numerous comments regarding the procedure for the election of a new President.

Nevertheless, after all the "wrestling", Abdurrahman Haliti was elected President by secret vote. Who is Haliti? One of the founders of the Party, a man who many Albanians hoped would become the leader of the Party, but who has, judging by everything, come too late to be able so save anything.

In short, a man of the so called "third generation" of politicians in Macedonia,respected by both Albanians and non-Albanians. Why? Because he is one of the very few Parliamentarians who never poured oil on fire. He is a man of "continuity" in the PDP ranks, a man criticized by the Albanian ultra-nationalists for being " too flexible" towards the Macedonian side and for being the only Albanian Parliamentarian who congratulated President Gligorov on the promulgation of the Macedonian Constitution for which the Albanian parliamentarians did not vote. He observed at that time that political opponents should be congratulated on their success regardless of what anyone may think of that. His election for President of the PDP is interpreted by some as its simultaneous new beginning and end.

It may perhaps seem absurd, but the truth is that so many disagreements exist among the membership which can result only in the dropping out of the Party so that only those who support the so called civil option in the political life of Macedonia will remain in its ranks. The arrival of Abdurrahman Halili at the head of the PDP confirms that the "civil" wing in its ranks still hold the strings in their hands as well as the fact that it no longer has the same standing among the Albanian population. If this is the beginning of the end of the PDP, then surprising news can soon be expected from Tetovo. Some are inclined to say even today that the disappointed and over ambitious Muhamed Malili already has a prepared "strategy" how to "work things out" to become the President of the PDP.

It is possible that those who claim that this Party is increasingly losing its political power, the strength that is passing over into Thafi'camp, are right although the fact that this party brought on the Macedonian political scene many positive things and gave its contribution in the mastering of the first steps towards democracy in Macedonia cannot be disputed. Its newly elected President, Andurrahman Haliti is undoubtedly one of those who has exerted its utmost efforts to that end. Therefore, his election as President of the PDP gives hope to those who believe in the better future and common life in this space.