Skopje Feb 19, 1994

AIM, Skopje, February 17, 1994

Republic of Greece introduced an economic blockade of Macedonia. The Greek General Consulate in Skopje was closed. The Macedonian Government claims that such measures were not provoked by anything on the Macedonian side. The Prime Minister of Greece, Papandreu, justifies these measures by "uncompromising attitudes" of Macedonia which, in combination with "provocations and dangerous irredentism" puts a great strain on the relations between Greece and Macedonia.

Since yesterday, the Republic of Greece introduced an economic embargo against Macedonia, and closed its border towards its northern neighbour. This is, in short, the decision of the Greek Government stated by its Prime Minister Anreas Papandreu. Due to the "ignored" Greek demands, moving of the entire documentation and inventory from the building of the Greek Consulate in Skopje began yesterday. "Dangerous irredentism" and the "unbending stance" were the basic motives for such a decision presented by the Prime Minister of Greece, Papandreu, at the emergency session of the Parliament. Papandreu stressed that Macedonia has misinterpreted its recognition by West-European countries and the USA. All that, according to him, creates problems for the stability in the region and broader.

The decision of the Greek Government implies closing down of the General Consulate in Skopje and the interruption of commercial exchange to and from Macedonia via the Port of Thessaloniki, with the exception of humanitarian aid shipments of food and drugs. After these, for the Macedonian public, completely unexpected decisions, the Macedonian Government held its meeting. The Government of Macedonia considers it completely inexplicable that at the time the world is investing great efforts to resolve all problems, even the most complex ones, peacefully and by agreement, the country presently chairing the European Union and a member of all significant international organizations, exerts such economic, political and other pressures on our country, using the position of Macedonia which has no access to the sea. With all this in mind, the Macedonian Government allocates full responsibility for the great damage that both countries might suffer to the Greek party. The Government of Macedonia announced also that it would take all the necessary measures and activities on the international level, after the introduction of the measures by the Greek Government.

There is no doubt that the closed border, the suspension of the operation of the Greek Consulate, and the shut port of Thessaloniki for trade with Macedonia, cause great damage to this new and small state. But these measures will certainly also be harmful for the one who introduced them - for Greece. For the moment, these measures have not caused great concern in the Macedonian public. Only an increase in the demand for fuel was registered, and it is expected that the citizens of Macedonia will be seized by a "fuel fever" again, caused by fear of shortages. This is understandable, since almost entire import of oil products comes via the port of Thessaloniki. The officials in Macedonia claim that the country has reserves for several months, but such statements will not have mitigating effects on those who have experienced kilometre-long queues for purchasing gasoline.
