Podgorica Jan 23, 1994

What did Milossevicc say to Bulatovicc

Is signing of an agreement on the solution of the Yugoslav crisis in sight. Unofficial information about a meeting of Milossevicc and Bulatovicc speak of the possibility of the Serbian President's giving Krajina to Tudjman and keeping Baranja. Will Montenegro be forced to fulfill Karadzzicc's wish to get an exit at the sea coast. Will the scenario from Croatia and Bosnia be repeated in Montenegro. From the beginning of the Yugoslav drama, Montenegro is facing its most turbulent period.

The essence of the final solution of the Yugoslav drama and the historical agreement for the Serbian people, as announced several days ago by the President of the FRY, Zoran Lilicc, in his preelection tour of Serbia, could be presented as follows: at the forthcoming summit in Geneva, Milossevicc, meaning the Serbs, will sign an agreement according to which Krajina will remain in Croatia, Baranja will be annexed to Serbia, and Bosnia will remain as a union of three national entities with such loose cohesive links that it is just a matter of days when it will formally be divided. This would be accompanied by a process of gradual lifting of the sanctions, starting as of January 20, and the international recognition of the present, reduced Yugoslavia. According to the claims from the circles around Montenegrin government, this was presented by the President of Serbia, Milossevicc, to the leader of Montenegro, Bulatovicc, at their recent meeting in Belgrade. The theory is explained further by the fact that Milossevicc is forced to accept concessions to Tudjman in Krajina because of the economic ruin of Serbia, which will be much easier for his own public to accept after the victory of the "traitor", Milan Babicc, in Krajina. However founded this plan may be, it is also disputable, primarily in view of the readiness of Izetbegovicc, but the European Community as well, to accept anything of the sort, the first the actual division of Bosnia, and the latter, the lifting of the sanctions.

But, everything is possible. What is interesting is the additional information about the talks Milossevicc-Bulatovicc, concerning fixing of boundaries between Montenegro and Herzegovina, i.e. the so-called Republic of Srpska. On this occasion, the President of Montenegro visited Trebinje and its mayor and, as he once called him, his "old friend", Bozzidar Vuccurovicc. According to the received information, in all these talks the possibility was considered of giving a part of Montenegrin territory to Karadzzicc's state for its exit to the sea coast, from Prevlaka to Igalo. In exchange, Montenegro would, allegedly, get the "attractive" location of Gacko, the border town between this republic and Herzegovina. Although the President of Montenegro swore on several occasions that he would never give Prevlaka away, and not to speak about Igalo, such a possibility exists. Should it ever come true, Montenegro would definitely end up in a union of Serbian states.

Not only rumours speak in favour of the fact that Montenegro has found itself on the agenda of the initiater and the main protagonist of this "grand" state project, but actual events as well. Today's BORBA announces a gathering of the so-called Assembly of Boka, which will in a few days discuss whether, as they say, "Serbian" Boka will remain part of Montenegro. About a fortnight ago, a similar "Assembly" of Vasojevicc's, also threatened to secede from Montenegro. What is for months now, a third, Assembly of Zeta, doing, needs no further elaboration, because the intention and the meaning are the same - to destabilize and behead Montengro in order to push it, no matter what the cost may be, into an all serbian circle.

Although the democratic public seeks consolation in the small number of people who participate at these meetings and hence in their illegitimacy, one should just remember how dismemberment of Croatia had once begun, then that of Bosnia, to conclude that Montnegro is now on the verge of its, perhaps, the most turbulent phase, from the beginning of the madness on Yugoslav space.

Zzeljko Ivanovicc AIM Podgorica