Podgorica Jan 23, 1994

The reactions of the Montenegrin opposition to Babicc's victory in Krajina

(AIM, Podgorica, Dec. 17)

The President of the Executive Board of the Social Democratic Party of Montenegro, Rade Bojovicc, assessed that the victory of Milan Babicc in the Republic of Serbian Krajina is an unfavourable event for the position of Slobodan Milossevicc at the negotiations within the International Conference on Former Yugoslavia. "Babicc is not Milossevicc's agent in Krajina. Milossevicc is in favour of a "modus vivendi" for Krajina, and Babicc is opposed to such an idea", Bojovicc said.

The leader of the People's Party has already congratulated Babicc, and the support to the leader of the Serbian Democratic Party in Knin was verified by the President of the Executive Board of this party, Predrag Drecun, who expressed his hope "that Babicc will succeed in solving the Serbian issue in Croatia and the issue of Krajina in a democratic manner".

The President of the Serbian Radical Party in Montenegro, Drago Bakracc, acclaims the victory of Babicc, evaluating it as the first defeat of Milossevicc, and that the next will be the defeat at the elections in Serbia on December 19. He also said that, should there be the second round of the elections in Krajina, his party would support Babicc.